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Research and Development Cell


To be a part of global emerging technologies.


Create and nurture the researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs to compete the futuristic world.

SREYAS Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad is one of the premier institutions in the field of Technical Education, was established in 2011. The institute is located at the heart of Hyderabad city with lush green environment. The institute is approved by All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of HRD, Government of India and is affiliated to the Jawaharlal Technological University Hyderabad, Telangana.  The institute came into existence with strong Vision and Mission. In a very short span of time, SREYAS is now become a technical institute of choice for students, parents and faculty members. To fulfill the technological demands, Research and Development (R&D) Cell came into existence at SREYAS.


Research and Development Cell

Research and Development Cell (R&D Cell) of SREYAS Institute of Engineering & Technology promotes the students and faculty member of the institute for research and innovation related activities in their respective domain. It aims to nurture research culture and training in research and related skills, for enhance the academic quality and enhances the general research capability of budding entrepreneurs to compete the technical world. R&D centre try to bridge the gap between academics and industries to make education more sustainable. This centre committed to improve the quality of education, in terms of technological based learning and provide the solutions for societal problems.  It enhances and facilitates disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration, knowledge transfer and training.


Objective of Research and Development Cell

Research and Development Cell (R&D Cell) came into existence with the following objectives:

  • To identify research thrust areas, promoting research, evaluating and disseminating research outcome.
  • To promote the faculty member to publish their research article with quality publishers.
  • To provide the guidance for applying research proposal to Govt. funding agencies for the grant.
  • To organize the workshop, conferences, FDP etc. for enrichment of quality of education.
  • To create awareness about filing Patents & IPR
  • To identify the domain for centre of excellence, and establishing the centre of excellence.
  • Financial support to the faculty member for publishing their papers in Journals, attending the conferences, joining the professional societies etc.
  • To establish the relationship with industries for signing MoUs, getting consultancy and research projects for both the faculty members and students.


Committee of Research and Development Cell

R&D cell constituted following Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

Director R & D

Member Coordinator ECE department

Member Coordinator CSE department

Member Coordinator ME department

Member Coordinator CE department

Member Coordinator H & S department

Nominee from Industry

Nominee from Network Institutions


Activities under Research and Development Cell


Research Domain:

In each department, thrust area has been identified. On the basis of the thrust area, research domain has been decided. Every faculty member has to involve in at least any one of the research areas as per their interest. Domain may be a major, minor or interdepartmental. This research domain also helps to assign supervisor or co-supervisor for UG, PG & Ph.D* candidate.


Research & Paper Publication for faculty:

To compete in the emerging world, R&D cell encourage to the entire faculty member for doing research in their area of interest. To ensure the quality of education, faculty member should involve in research to strengthen their knowledge. On the basis of their research, paper should be published in International/ National Journals or symposia of conferences. Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology support financially to faculty member for publishing the papers. As per designation of faculty member, at least following number of papers should be published in an academic year.

  1. Professors:            03 Papers                          04
  2. Associate Professor: 02 Papers                     02
  3. Assistant Professor: 01 Paper                        01


Research & Paper Publication for Students:

 Every M. Tech student of the department has to write a research paper based on their dissertation topic. Paper publication is mandatory for every student.  Authors: Student (First Author) Guide (Second author) only After Publication of paper, student may submit their thesis. It is responsibilities of the supervisor and the M. Tech coordinator to implement.

Encourage the UG students also to publish a paper. For this additional 10 marks may be given to the batch.


Research Proposal for Grant:

It is a matter of proud, if we contribute to society by technology upgradation or innovation. R&D cell is committed to do such type of activities. It is also decided that from each department, at least one research proposal has to be submitted to the government funding agencies for grant every year. Senior Professors and doctorate are supposed to take initiative for research proposal submission. R & D Cell helps the faculty member for writing research proposal.


Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs)

R & D cell is also responsible for linkage with industry for bilateral relationship. Faculty member of Sreyas is capable to provide solution of technical & industrial problems. By signing the MoU, the institute and the industry shall explore the possibilities of mutual support in their learning, hiring and research requirement based on their mutual convenience. It is also helpful to impart training to the students and faculty member of the institute by the industrial expertise. It helps the students for the joint guidance of their projects/thesis work.

Each department has to sign at least one MoU per year with either Industry or Institute of national importance.

Professional Membership:

To connect with outside world, it is necessary to be part of some professional society. Professional society helps to member within specialized fields of interest. Society memberships enable us to stay connected with emerging technology, day to day technological evolution etc.     It is recommended that every faculty member should register themselves for at least one professional society like IEEE, IETE, ISTE etc.   R&D cell also trying for opening the student’s chapter in various domain.

  1. Professors:              04
  2. Associate Professor: 02
  3. Assistant Professor: 01

Each department should have one student chapter of a society related to the branch. In addition SIET should have ISTE chapter (already existing, but is non functional)


Centre of Excellence (CoE):

To strengthen the technical skills of students and faculty member, proposal of centre of excellence has to be prepared. This centre of excellence will help in doing research, paper publications, generating fund through consultancy, applying research proposal to government funding agency for grant, Industry-Institute interaction etc.  Domain of the centre is decided on the basis of applications and market demands. It will be finalized after surveying the market and meeting with the management.

Each department should have one CoE related to the branch.



Research and Development Cell organizes the workshop for faculty member and students on technological based learning. The purpose of organizing the workshop is to enhance the knowledge of emerging technologies as well as exposure of hands on training. This type of workshops helps the students and faculty member to enrich their skills in the specified field. We organize the workshop in such a manner so that it may also helpful to fill the gap in curriculum.

Each department has to organize one WORKSHOP of at least 7 days, on the latest developments specific to branch (in association with industry or institute of National importance) for the benefit of faculty and students during SUMMER only. SIET has to encourage the faculty to participate in Workshops organized by other colleges or universities. Faculty has to be permitted to go on OD.

Faculty has to attend at least ONE Workshop per year


Faculty Development Program (FDP):

Research and Development Cell used to conduct the FDP in various discipline every year.The objective of this program is to provide a comprehensive view of fundamental areas of research methodology with a focus on identification of research problem to the stage of sources of data collection with strong emphasis on software’s used in data analysis of research etc.This is the way through which faculty member keep their self with up to date with the modern development and advanced tools usage.

Each department has to organize one FDP of at least 7 days, on the latest developments specific to branch (in association with industry or institute of National importance) for the benefit of faculty during SEMESTER BREAK only. SIET has to encourage the faculty to participate in FDPs organized by other colleges or universities. Faculty has to be permitted to go on OD.

Faculty has to attend at least ONE FDP per year



The Conference is an ideal forum for researchers to share their findings and thoughts with their fellow researchers across the world. It provides a platform for leading researchers, academicians and industry experts to come together and exchange knowledge and views on their domain. The main objective of the conference is to create awareness and also to provide a perfect platform for the participants to upgrade their knowledge.


On every even numbered year college has to conduct COMMON INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE.

On every odd numbered year college has to conduct COMMON NATIONAL CONFERENCE.


Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats (SIJST):

Research and Development cell is committed to quality research and support. To address the above said statement, Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats came into existence. SREYAS International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in the areas of Engineering, Science and Technology. The aim of the journal is providing the opportunities to young scientist, researcher and technocrats to express his work in their words to the society.