Best Autonomous Engineering College award was taken by Mr. A.Hriday Reddy Sir
II-II Reg & II-I Supplementary July/August 2024
MoU with Supraja Technologies( A unit of CHSMRLSS Technologies Pvt Ltd.)
MoU with BRAINOVISION Solutions India PVT. LTD.
Start-up Creation & Incubation Services at our campus
Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology was conferment as Autonomous
ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management System certified by KVQA until 2026
Sreyas was accredited with NAAC – A grade
Sreyas was certified by IIC (Institution’s Innovation Council) to promote Innovation and Start-up in the Campus Dated 19th May 2021.
Sreyas Institute ranked top 10 in Placements by TIMES OF INDIA RANKING SURVEY 2021.
1st College in Telangana received a ‘5-STAR’ rating by IIT – Bombay for online Spoken Tutorials dated 31st March 2020.