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List of Patent filed and Published

  1. Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Computer Vision and Its Application in Assessment of Cognitive Ability of Human Brain”, Application Number 2018211034835, Date of Filing Application 15/09/2018, Publication Date: 07/12/2018.
  2. Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Methods and Systems for Rendering Road Information form a First Vehicle to a second Vehicle”, Application Number 201841044218, Date of Filing Application 23/11/2018, Publication Date: 07/12/2018.
  3. Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for wirelessly charging of an appliance”, Application Number 201811040942, Date of Filing Application 30/10/2018, Publication Date: 28/12/2018.
  4. Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Mechanisms to Prevent Road Accidents in Low Light Intensity Environments Using a Drone System”, Application Number 201821047908, Date of Filing Application 18/12/2018, Publication Date: 08/02/2019.
  5. Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for Aiding driver of a vehicle to ensure a safe driving environment”, Application Number 201941000050, Date of Filing Application 01/01/2019, Publication Date: 08/02/2019.
  6. Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for rendering a panoramic view of traffic to a driver of a vehicle”, Application Number 201941000049, Date of Filing Application 01/01/2019, Publication Date: 08/02/2019.
  7. Patent Filled and Published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for determining a position of an object in a suspicious condition”, Application Number, 201941004200, Date of Filing Application 02/02/2019, , Publication Date: 08/02/2019
  8. Patent Filled by Dr Rohit Raja “Identify pollutants from vehicle exhaust at Toll Plazas with provision of penalty” Application Number 201911005535, filing date 12/02/2019.

Journal Publications

S.No Faculty nameTitle of the PaperName of the journal/conference/convention/workshopURL citation ISSN/ISBN Number
1K. Ramya Laxmi, N Ramya, S. PallaviA Survey on Automatically Mining Facets for Queries from their search ResultsInternational Journal of Management Technology and Engineering IJMTE Vol. 8, Iss. 7 July 2018.ISSN NO: 2249-7455
2Biksham Vankudoth, Vasumathi DevaraA Light Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for cloud SecurityAccepted in Intentional Journal of Information and Computer Security.ISSN No. 1744-1773

Conference Publications

S.No Faculty nameTitle of the PaperName of the journal/conference/convention/workshop
1Md Rashid Mahmood, Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja, G R Sinha(2018)A Novel Approach for Weather prediction using forecasting analysis and Data Mining TechniquesPublished in 7 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 27 th - 28 July 2018.
2A. Swathi and Shilpa RaniIntelligent Fatigue Detection by using ACS and by Avoiding False Alarms of Fatigue Detection,Published in 6 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 17 th - 18 Aug 2018.
3Deepika MallampatiSupervised Machine Learning Classifies for Email Spam Filtering,Published in 6 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 17 th - 18 Aug 2018.
4M. Sudhakar, Reddygari Pallavi Decoupling Voice over IP from I/O Automata in SystemPublished in 6 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 17 th - 18 Aug 2018.
5 Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja, Tilendra Shishir Sinha, Md Rashid MahmoodImage Registration and Rectification using Background Subtraction method for Information security to justify Cloning Mechanism using High-End Computing3rd International Confernce on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII-2018), held during 28-29 Dec 2018.
6S. Pallavi, K. Ramyalaxmi, N. Ramya, Rohit RajaStudy and Analysis of Modified Mean Shift Method and Kalman Filter for Moving object Detection and Tracking,Published in 3rd International Confernce on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII-2018), held during 28-29 Dec 2018.
7Kailash P. Dewangan, Padma Bonde, Rohit Raja (2018),Application of Group Mobility Model for Ad-Hoc Network3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Organized by Sikha ‘O‘ Anusandhan Deemed university, Bhubaneswar, Odisa, India.
8K. Ramyalaxmi, S. Pallavi, N. RamyaA Hybrid Approach of Wavelet Transform using Lifting Scheme and Discrete Wavelet Transform Technique for image processing2 nd  National Conference on Cyber Security, Image Processing, Graphics, Mobility and Analytics  ( NCCSIGMA 2019), Organized by Department of CSE at CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad in association with DIV – 5 Education & Research, CSI India from 24 th  – 25 th  Jan 2019.
9Dr. A. Srinivas And A. SridharAnalysis And Reviw On Various Data Security Issues In Cloud Computing33rd National Conference 0n Advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Solutions for Business(NCAAIRSB-2018) on 12th and 13th October 2018.
10Dr.A.Srinivas And Dr.Sudhir DawraA Study And Review On Various Issues And Challenges In Green Cloud Computing33rd National Conference 0n Advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Solutions for Business(NCAAIRSB-2018) on 12th and 13th October 2018.
11Soujanya .A and Dr.A.SrinivasData Mining Techniques In Present Situation Regarding Privacy And Security Issues33rd National Conference 0n Advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Solutions for Business (NCAAIRSB-2018) on 12th and 13th October 2018.

Journal Publications

S.No Faculty nameTitle of the PaperName of the journal/conference/convention/workshopURL citation ISSN/ISBN Number
1Rakesh Kumar Lenka, Amiya Kumar Rath, Zhiyuan Tan, Suraj Sharma, Deepak Puthal, N V R Simha, Rohit Raja, Shankar Sharan Tripathi, and Mukesh PrasadBuilding Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power SensorsIEEE ACCESS, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 30162-30173. Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536
2Dr. V. Goutham, Dr M V Bramhanandha ReddyA Study on Data Center Performance and QoS In Iaas Cloud Computing, Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical And Control System(SCOPUS INDEX) Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical System, Issue 7, PP. 829-833,ISSN 1943-023X
3Rohit Raja, Tilendra Shishir Sinha, Raj Kumar Patra and Shrikant TiwariPhysiological Trait Based Biometrical Authentication of Human-Face Using LGXP and ANN TechniquesInt. J. of Information and Computer Security. (Scopus Index Vol. 10, Nos. 2/3, pp. 303- 320.) ISSN online1744-1773
ISSN print 1744-1765
4Develapalli Shushma, Joshi Padma N, Dr. Suresh AkellaUser Identity Verification for Secure Internet Services using CASHMA. International Journal of Research, Vol. 5, Iss. 1,ISSN: 2348-6848.
5M. Deepika, Shilpa RaniPerformance of Machine Learning Techniques for Email spam Filtering.International Journal of Resent Trend in Engineering and Research, PP. 245-250, Vol.2, Iss 6.ISSN: 2455- 1457
6Deepika MallampatiAn Efficient Spam Filtering using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Iss 2, pp. 33-37.ISSN: 2319-7064
7Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja and Tilendra Shishir SinhaExtraction of geometric and prosodic features from human-gait-speech data for behavioural pattern detection.Part II Published in Springer Book series. Proceedings of International Conference on ICACCP 2017, Volume 2Online ISSN2194-5365
8Rohit Raja, Md Rashid Mahmood, Raj Kumar PatraStudy and Analysis of Different Pose Invariant for face Recognition Under Lighting Condition.Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats, Vol. 2(2), pp 11-17, 2018.:ISSN 2456-8783
9Ayenala Prithvi Raj, Rohit Raja, Suresh Akella A New Framework for Trustworthiness of Cloud Services, International Journal of Research, Volume 04 Issue-1, December 2017.E-ISSN: 2348-6848, p-ISSN: 2348-795X.
10M. V Bramhananda Reddy, DR.V Goutham.IRIS Technology: A Review on IRIS Based Biometrics system for Unique human Identification. Published in International Journal of Research Granthaalayam, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp 80-84.ISSN(O)- 2350-0530
ISSN(P)- 2394-3629
11Dr. E. Gajendran, Dr. J. Vignesh & Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhu Bio-sensing with U-Shaped Fiber Smeared with Gold NanoParticlesInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME), www.rdmodernresearch.org) Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017 (UGC Referred Journal).ISSN (Online): 2454 – 6119 (
12Dr. J. Vignesh, Dr. E.Gajendran & Dr. S. R. Boselin PrabhuRandomized Cluster Head Selection Strategy for Dense Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME). (www.rdmodernresearch.org) Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2017.ISSN (Online): 2454 – 6119
13Dr.Venkata Reddy Medikonda, Dr.Vignesh JanarthananDeveloping Suitable Methods for Obtaining Better Accuracy in Privacy Preserving Association Rules Mining and Classification ,International Journal of research. Vol. 6, Iss. 11 2017, pp. 17-26,ISSN 2320-0936.
14Dr.Venkata Reddy Medikonda, Dr.Vignesh JanarthananIdentifying Image Falsification by Enhanced Auto Color Correlation Approach – A Forgery Forensic, DJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communications Engineering (JAECE). Vol. 3(2) 2017, PP . 1-10,ISSN 2455-3980.
15Dr. J. Vignesh, Dr. E. Gajendran, Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu Substantial Antenna Design For High Performance Communication Networks. International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (Ijcesr), Volume-4, ISSUE-6, 2017(UGC Referred Journal).ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697,
16Dr.E. Gajendran, Dr. J. Vignesh & Dr. S. R. Boselin PrabhuEnhanced Control Strategy For High Speed Wireless Networks. International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research.(IJAASR)Impact Factor: 5.255, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3080 (UGC Referred Journal).
17Dr Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr. G. Manoj SomeswarProposal of a Novel Approach for Stabilized of image from Omni- Direction System in the case of Human Detection and Tracking.International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research, Vol 5, PP. 379-403, Issue-11,ISSN. 2348-6848.
18Dr. E. Gajendran, Dr. J. Vignesh & Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhu, (2017) Biomedical Applications Of Large Scale Wireless Networks , , International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) Impact Factor: 6.225, ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 (UGC Referred Journal).
19Dr. Venkata Reddy MedikondaProposal of a Scientific Classification for Assessment of Logical Location of Interrupted Frameworks and Databases”. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Vol-6, Issue September 2017. ISSN: 2319 – 6734(UGC Referred Journal).
20Deepika Mallampati , Amitesh Mathur , Gundari Abhinay , Gopalam Tanuja Automated Spam Filtering through Data Mining Approach”. Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats. Vol. 1(2) 2017, pp. 20-33. ISSN:- 2456-8783
21Deepika MallampatiAn Evaluation of Naïve Bayesian Classifier for Anti-Spam Filtering Techniques”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
22V Biksham, D Vasumathi“An Efficient Symmetric Based Algorithm for Data Security in Cloud Computing Through Homomorphic Encryption Scheme” .International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. Volume 12, Number 21 (2017) pp. 10477-10484 © Research India Publications. (Scopus).ISSN 0973-4562
23Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviGetting Down to Brass Tacks of Prevention Mechanism of Sql Injection in Php based Web Application.International journal of electronics communication and computer engineering, IJECCE. Volume 8, Issue 6, 2017. ISSN( Online): 2249-071X
24Gurubasava Rajesh BudihalEncryption and Decryption Using Bit Operatiom. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).ISSN:- 2319-7064.
25N. Deepthi, G. Shivakanth, I. Haripriya, G. Sreevani,Seed and Grow Algorithms to Identify users from Anonymized social Networks. Internatinal journal of Engineering and Management Research, pp 723-726, Vol. 7, Iss-3. ISSN- 2394-6962.
26A. SwathiDriver fatique detection and accident preventing system.International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas And Innovations In Technology Vol. 4, Iss 3, pp. 477- 480.ISSN: 2454-132X
27P. Vijaya Lakmsi, P. Archana, M. Madhavi LathaImage Reconstruction using Data Mining and Image processing Techniques.International Journals for Advance research in Science and Technology Vol 8. Issue 3, March 2018.ISSN 2395- 1052
28Purushotham Muniganti, Albert Oller Pujiol3D-Swarm Robots Y-Pod systems for surface terrain obstacle avoidancesJournal of intelligent and robotics systems, (In Press 2017) Springer-Verlag, Berlin.ISSN 1988 - 2019
29Purushotham Muniganti, Naveena.P and Suresh AkellaAn EFH: Hybrid-Based Attribute Technique in Cloud ComputingInternational Journal of Research,. Vol-4, Issue-17, 2017.e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p-ISSN: 2348-759X,
30Purushotham Muniganti, Akhila.M and Suresh AkellaEmpowering Cloud Storage Examining with Certain Out Sourcing of Key UpdatesInternational Journal of Research, , Vol-4, Issue-17, 2017.e-ISSN: 2348-6848.p-ISSN: 2348-759X

Conference Publications

S.No Faculty nameTitle of the PaperName of the journal/conference/convention/workshop
1Dr. V Goutham, Dr M. V. Brahmanada ReddyManaging the Storage service in the cloud computingInternational Confernce on Recent Research in Management, Engineering Science and Technology, Hyderabad.
2G. R. Sinha, Rohit Raja, Raj Kumar Patra , Lalit Garg,Fuzzy Inference System for Efficient Lung Cancer Detection. International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science (ISMS 2018), Valletta, Malta, February 22-23, 2018.
3Rohit Raja, Rajkumar Patra, G R Sinha and Su Su Hlaing Soft Computing based Empirical Analysis for Detection of Occlusion in Face Images" .International Conference on Communication, Security & Optimization of Decision Support Systems (IC-CSOD) organized by Thakur College of Engineering &
4Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviProposal of a Scientific Classification for Assessment of Logical Location of Interrupted Frameworks and Databases. It is to be published in IEEE ICCMC 2018 (Accepted).
5Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja and Tilendra Shishir SinhaExtraction of geometric and prosodic features from human-gait-speech data for behavioural pattern detection.Part II, First International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP) will be held at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Majitar, Rangpo, East Sikkim, Sikkim-737136 during 08-10 September 2017. ICACCP-2017.
6Naresh Poloju, Purushotham Muniganti Adverse Drug Reaction Detection Using Data Mining Approaches National Conference on Converence of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, it was published by IJRTRE 2017,pp 51-56.
7Deepika M, Shilpa RaniPerformance Of Machine Learning Techniques For Email Spam Filtering.National Conference on Convergence of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, it was published by IJRTRE 2017, pp 245-248.
8Mr.V.Biksham and Dr.D.Vasumathi An efficient algorithm for Data security in Cloud computing through Homomorphic Encryption scheme. International Conference on Innovations in Computing, College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Block, CGC Campus, Landran, Mohali, India, December 14-15, 2017 .
9Joshi Padma N , Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi“Contemplating Security of Http From Sql Injection and Cross Script”. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research. 978-1-5090-6621-6.
10Shilpa Rani, M. DeepikaReview on Medical Image processing. National Conference on Covergence of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 1-4.
11Joshi Padma N, Dr. M. B. Raju, Dr.N.Ravi Shankar, N.CH. Ravi, Encountering SQL Injection in web applications, 2 nd International Conference on Computational methodologies and Communications (ICCMC-2018). 15-16 FEB 2018.

Journal Publications

S. NoFaculty nameTitle of the PaperName of the journal/conference/convention/workshopURL citation ISSN/ISBN Number
1Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviDiversify Based On the Context of the Word Queries for Xml Data. International journal of research, IJR Oct 2016.ISSN 2348-6848 (Online) & 2348-795X (Print)
2Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviEnhanced QoS Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommender System International Journal of Research in Information Technology, IJRIT October 2016. ISSN 2001-5596
3Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviFlexible and Secure Key Exchange Mechanism for Network File Systems. International Journal of Research in Information Technology, Vol 4, Issue 10. ISSN 2001-5596
4Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviThe Strong Confidence: The Process of Computational Dynamic Trust Model for Secure Communication in Multi-Agent Systems.International journal of research IJR, Vol 3, Iss.ISSN 2348-6848 (Online) & 2348-795X (Print)
5G. Sravan KumarA Research on Big Data Mining with Hadoop F/W and It’s Echo Systems.International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). Vol-4, Issue-10, October 2016.ISSN: 2321-9653
6G. Sravan Kumar Unsupervised Learning for Outlier Detection from High-Dimensional Datasets. International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT). Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016.ISSN 2001-5569
7G. Sravan Kumar Enabling Fine Grained Multi-Keyword Search Encrypted Cloud Data..International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT). Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016.ISSN 2001-5569
8G. Sravan Kumar,Anumula Srinivas A Framework for Flexible Search Dynamics on Encrypted Cloud Data. International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT). Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016.ISSN 2001-5569
9Masam Valli Kumar, Joshi Padma Narasimhachari P2P Sharing Cluster Proximity Interest Aware File System. International Journal of Research, Vol. 3, Iss. 4,ISSN 2348-6848
10 Joshi Padma, NCloud Privilege of Access to Data And Anonymity with the unknown Entirely Based Encryption to Control Characteristics.International Journal of Research, Vol. 3, Iss. 4.ISSN 2348-6848
11M. Deepika, Vennu Indivaru TejaA Novel Approach for simultaneous graph computation . International journals of Research in information Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 10, Oct 2016.ISSN 2001-5569
12M Deepika, N Roja Effective Topic Detection and Temporal summurization of tweet streams. International Journals of Research in Information Technology, Vol. 4, Iss. 10, Oct 2016. ISSN 2001-5569

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