List of Patent filed and Published
- Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Computer Vision and Its Application in Assessment of Cognitive Ability of Human Brain”, Application Number 2018211034835, Date of Filing Application 15/09/2018, Publication Date: 07/12/2018.
- Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Methods and Systems for Rendering Road Information form a First Vehicle to a second Vehicle”, Application Number 201841044218, Date of Filing Application 23/11/2018, Publication Date: 07/12/2018.
- Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for wirelessly charging of an appliance”, Application Number 201811040942, Date of Filing Application 30/10/2018, Publication Date: 28/12/2018.
- Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Mechanisms to Prevent Road Accidents in Low Light Intensity Environments Using a Drone System”, Application Number 201821047908, Date of Filing Application 18/12/2018, Publication Date: 08/02/2019.
- Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for Aiding driver of a vehicle to ensure a safe driving environment”, Application Number 201941000050, Date of Filing Application 01/01/2019, Publication Date: 08/02/2019.
- Patent filed and published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for rendering a panoramic view of traffic to a driver of a vehicle”, Application Number 201941000049, Date of Filing Application 01/01/2019, Publication Date: 08/02/2019.
- Patent Filled and Published by Dr Rohit Raja “Method and System for determining a position of an object in a suspicious condition”, Application Number, 201941004200, Date of Filing Application 02/02/2019, , Publication Date: 08/02/2019
- Patent Filled by Dr Rohit Raja “Identify pollutants from vehicle exhaust at Toll Plazas with provision of penalty” Application Number 201911005535, filing date 12/02/2019.
Journal Publications
S.No | Faculty name | Title of the Paper | Name of the journal/conference/convention/workshop | URL citation ISSN/ISBN Number |
1 | K. Ramya Laxmi, N Ramya, S. Pallavi | A Survey on Automatically Mining Facets for Queries from their search Results | International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering IJMTE Vol. 8, Iss. 7 July 2018. | ISSN NO: 2249-7455 |
2 | Biksham Vankudoth, Vasumathi Devara | A Light Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for cloud Security | Accepted in Intentional Journal of Information and Computer Security. | ISSN No. 1744-1773 |
Conference Publications
S.No | Faculty name | Title of the Paper | Name of the journal/conference/convention/workshop |
1 | Md Rashid Mahmood, Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja, G R Sinha(2018) | A Novel Approach for Weather prediction using forecasting analysis and Data Mining Techniques | Published in 7 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 27 th - 28 July 2018. |
2 | A. Swathi and Shilpa Rani | Intelligent Fatigue Detection by using ACS and by Avoiding False Alarms of Fatigue Detection, | Published in 6 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 17 th - 18 Aug 2018. |
3 | Deepika Mallampati | Supervised Machine Learning Classifies for Email Spam Filtering, | Published in 6 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 17 th - 18 Aug 2018. |
4 | M. Sudhakar, Reddygari Pallavi | Decoupling Voice over IP from I/O Automata in System | Published in 6 th International Conference on innovations in Computer Science and Engineering on 17 th - 18 Aug 2018. |
5 | Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja, Tilendra Shishir Sinha, Md Rashid Mahmood | Image Registration and Rectification using Background Subtraction method for Information security to justify Cloning Mechanism using High-End Computing | 3rd International Confernce on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII-2018), held during 28-29 Dec 2018. |
6 | S. Pallavi, K. Ramyalaxmi, N. Ramya, Rohit Raja | Study and Analysis of Modified Mean Shift Method and Kalman Filter for Moving object Detection and Tracking, | Published in 3rd International Confernce on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII-2018), held during 28-29 Dec 2018. |
7 | Kailash P. Dewangan, Padma Bonde, Rohit Raja (2018), | Application of Group Mobility Model for Ad-Hoc Network | 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Organized by Sikha ‘O‘ Anusandhan Deemed university, Bhubaneswar, Odisa, India. |
8 | K. Ramyalaxmi, S. Pallavi, N. Ramya | A Hybrid Approach of Wavelet Transform using Lifting Scheme and Discrete Wavelet Transform Technique for image processing | 2 nd National Conference on Cyber Security, Image Processing, Graphics, Mobility and Analytics ( NCCSIGMA 2019), Organized by Department of CSE at CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad in association with DIV – 5 Education & Research, CSI India from 24 th – 25 th Jan 2019. |
9 | Dr. A. Srinivas And A. Sridhar | Analysis And Reviw On Various Data Security Issues In Cloud Computing | 33rd National Conference 0n Advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Solutions for Business(NCAAIRSB-2018) on 12th and 13th October 2018. |
10 | Dr.A.Srinivas And Dr.Sudhir Dawra | A Study And Review On Various Issues And Challenges In Green Cloud Computing | 33rd National Conference 0n Advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Solutions for Business(NCAAIRSB-2018) on 12th and 13th October 2018. |
11 | Soujanya .A and Dr.A.Srinivas | Data Mining Techniques In Present Situation Regarding Privacy And Security Issues | 33rd National Conference 0n Advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Solutions for Business (NCAAIRSB-2018) on 12th and 13th October 2018. |
Journal Publications
S.No | Faculty name | Title of the Paper | Name of the journal/conference/convention/workshop | URL citation ISSN/ISBN Number |
1 | Rakesh Kumar Lenka, Amiya Kumar Rath, Zhiyuan Tan, Suraj Sharma, Deepak Puthal, N V R Simha, Rohit Raja, Shankar Sharan Tripathi, and Mukesh Prasad | Building Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power Sensors | IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 30162-30173. | Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536 |
2 | Dr. V. Goutham, Dr M V Bramhanandha Reddy | A Study on Data Center Performance and QoS In Iaas Cloud Computing, Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical And Control System | (SCOPUS INDEX) Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical System, Issue 7, PP. 829-833, | ISSN 1943-023X |
3 | Rohit Raja, Tilendra Shishir Sinha, Raj Kumar Patra and Shrikant Tiwari | Physiological Trait Based Biometrical Authentication of Human-Face Using LGXP and ANN Techniques | Int. J. of Information and Computer Security. (Scopus Index Vol. 10, Nos. 2/3, pp. 303- 320.) | ISSN online1744-1773 ISSN print 1744-1765 |
4 | Develapalli Shushma, Joshi Padma N, Dr. Suresh Akella | User Identity Verification for Secure Internet Services using CASHMA. | International Journal of Research, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, | ISSN: 2348-6848. |
5 | M. Deepika, Shilpa Rani | Performance of Machine Learning Techniques for Email spam Filtering. | International Journal of Resent Trend in Engineering and Research, PP. 245-250, Vol.2, Iss 6. | ISSN: 2455- 1457 |
6 | Deepika Mallampati | An Efficient Spam Filtering using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques. | International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Iss 2, pp. 33-37. | ISSN: 2319-7064 |
7 | Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja and Tilendra Shishir Sinha | Extraction of geometric and prosodic features from human-gait-speech data for behavioural pattern detection. | Part II Published in Springer Book series. Proceedings of International Conference on ICACCP 2017, Volume 2 | Online ISSN2194-5365 |
8 | Rohit Raja, Md Rashid Mahmood, Raj Kumar Patra | Study and Analysis of Different Pose Invariant for face Recognition Under Lighting Condition. | Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats, Vol. 2(2), pp 11-17, 2018. | :ISSN 2456-8783 |
9 | Ayenala Prithvi Raj, Rohit Raja, Suresh Akella | A New Framework for Trustworthiness of Cloud Services, | International Journal of Research, Volume 04 Issue-1, December 2017. | E-ISSN: 2348-6848, p-ISSN: 2348-795X. |
10 | M. V Bramhananda Reddy, DR.V Goutham. | IRIS Technology: A Review on IRIS Based Biometrics system for Unique human Identification. | Published in International Journal of Research Granthaalayam, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp 80-84. | ISSN(O)- 2350-0530 ISSN(P)- 2394-3629 |
11 | Dr. E. Gajendran, Dr. J. Vignesh & Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhu | Bio-sensing with U-Shaped Fiber Smeared with Gold NanoParticles | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017 (UGC Referred Journal). | ISSN (Online): 2454 – 6119 ( |
12 | Dr. J. Vignesh, Dr. E.Gajendran & Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhu | Randomized Cluster Head Selection Strategy for Dense Wireless Sensor Networks. | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME). ( Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2017. | ISSN (Online): 2454 – 6119 |
13 | Dr.Venkata Reddy Medikonda, Dr.Vignesh Janarthanan | Developing Suitable Methods for Obtaining Better Accuracy in Privacy Preserving Association Rules Mining and Classification , | International Journal of research. Vol. 6, Iss. 11 2017, pp. 17-26, | ISSN 2320-0936. |
14 | Dr.Venkata Reddy Medikonda, Dr.Vignesh Janarthanan | Identifying Image Falsification by Enhanced Auto Color Correlation Approach – A Forgery Forensic, | DJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communications Engineering (JAECE). Vol. 3(2) 2017, PP . 1-10, | ISSN 2455-3980. |
15 | Dr. J. Vignesh, Dr. E. Gajendran, Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu | Substantial Antenna Design For High Performance Communication Networks. | International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (Ijcesr), Volume-4, ISSUE-6, 2017(UGC Referred Journal). | ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, |
16 | Dr.E. Gajendran, Dr. J. Vignesh & Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhu | Enhanced Control Strategy For High Speed Wireless Networks. | International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research. | (IJAASR)Impact Factor: 5.255, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3080 (UGC Referred Journal). |
17 | Dr Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr. G. Manoj Someswar | Proposal of a Novel Approach for Stabilized of image from Omni- Direction System in the case of Human Detection and Tracking. | International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research, Vol 5, PP. 379-403, Issue-11, | ISSN. 2348-6848. |
18 | Dr. E. Gajendran, Dr. J. Vignesh & Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhu, (2017) | Biomedical Applications Of Large Scale Wireless Networks , , | International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) | Impact Factor: 6.225, ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 (UGC Referred Journal). |
19 | Dr. Venkata Reddy Medikonda | Proposal of a Scientific Classification for Assessment of Logical Location of Interrupted Frameworks and Databases”. | International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Vol-6, Issue September 2017. | ISSN: 2319 – 6734(UGC Referred Journal). |
20 | Deepika Mallampati , Amitesh Mathur , Gundari Abhinay , Gopalam Tanuja | Automated Spam Filtering through Data Mining Approach”. | Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats. Vol. 1(2) 2017, pp. 20-33. | ISSN:- 2456-8783 |
21 | Deepika Mallampati | An Evaluation of Naïve Bayesian Classifier for Anti-Spam Filtering Techniques”. | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. | ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765) |
22 | V Biksham, D Vasumathi | “An Efficient Symmetric Based Algorithm for Data Security in Cloud Computing Through Homomorphic Encryption Scheme” . | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. Volume 12, Number 21 (2017) pp. 10477-10484 © Research India Publications. (Scopus). | ISSN 0973-4562 |
23 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | Getting Down to Brass Tacks of Prevention Mechanism of Sql Injection in Php based Web Application. | International journal of electronics communication and computer engineering, IJECCE. Volume 8, Issue 6, 2017. | ISSN( Online): 2249-071X |
24 | Gurubasava Rajesh Budihal | Encryption and Decryption Using Bit Operatiom. | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). | ISSN:- 2319-7064. |
25 | N. Deepthi, G. Shivakanth, I. Haripriya, G. Sreevani, | Seed and Grow Algorithms to Identify users from Anonymized social Networks. | Internatinal journal of Engineering and Management Research, pp 723-726, Vol. 7, Iss-3. | ISSN- 2394-6962. |
26 | A. Swathi | Driver fatique detection and accident preventing system. | International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas And Innovations In Technology Vol. 4, Iss 3, pp. 477- 480. | ISSN: 2454-132X |
27 | P. Vijaya Lakmsi, P. Archana, M. Madhavi Latha | Image Reconstruction using Data Mining and Image processing Techniques. | International Journals for Advance research in Science and Technology Vol 8. Issue 3, March 2018. | ISSN 2395- 1052 |
28 | Purushotham Muniganti, Albert Oller Pujiol | 3D-Swarm Robots Y-Pod systems for surface terrain obstacle avoidances | Journal of intelligent and robotics systems, (In Press 2017) Springer-Verlag, Berlin. | ISSN 1988 - 2019 |
29 | Purushotham Muniganti, Naveena.P and Suresh Akella | An EFH: Hybrid-Based Attribute Technique in Cloud Computing | International Journal of Research,. Vol-4, Issue-17, 2017. | e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p-ISSN: 2348-759X, |
30 | Purushotham Muniganti, Akhila.M and Suresh Akella | Empowering Cloud Storage Examining with Certain Out Sourcing of Key Updates | International Journal of Research, , Vol-4, Issue-17, 2017. | e-ISSN: 2348-6848.p-ISSN: 2348-759X |
Conference Publications
S.No | Faculty name | Title of the Paper | Name of the journal/conference/convention/workshop |
1 | Dr. V Goutham, Dr M. V. Brahmanada Reddy | Managing the Storage service in the cloud computing | International Confernce on Recent Research in Management, Engineering Science and Technology, Hyderabad. |
2 | G. R. Sinha, Rohit Raja, Raj Kumar Patra , Lalit Garg, | Fuzzy Inference System for Efficient Lung Cancer Detection. | International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science (ISMS 2018), Valletta, Malta, February 22-23, 2018. |
3 | Rohit Raja, Rajkumar Patra, G R Sinha and Su Su Hlaing | Soft Computing based Empirical Analysis for Detection of Occlusion in Face Images" . | International Conference on Communication, Security & Optimization of Decision Support Systems (IC-CSOD) organized by Thakur College of Engineering & |
4 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | Proposal of a Scientific Classification for Assessment of Logical Location of Interrupted Frameworks and Databases. | It is to be published in IEEE ICCMC 2018 (Accepted). |
5 | Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja and Tilendra Shishir Sinha | Extraction of geometric and prosodic features from human-gait-speech data for behavioural pattern detection. | Part II, First International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP) will be held at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Majitar, Rangpo, East Sikkim, Sikkim-737136 during 08-10 September 2017. ICACCP-2017. |
6 | Naresh Poloju, Purushotham Muniganti | Adverse Drug Reaction Detection Using Data Mining Approaches | National Conference on Converence of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, it was published by IJRTRE 2017,pp 51-56. |
7 | Deepika M, Shilpa Rani | Performance Of Machine Learning Techniques For Email Spam Filtering. | National Conference on Convergence of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, it was published by IJRTRE 2017, pp 245-248. |
8 | Mr.V.Biksham and Dr.D.Vasumathi | An efficient algorithm for Data security in Cloud computing through Homomorphic Encryption scheme. | International Conference on Innovations in Computing, College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Block, CGC Campus, Landran, Mohali, India, December 14-15, 2017 . |
9 | Joshi Padma N , Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | “Contemplating Security of Http From Sql Injection and Cross Script”. | 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research. 978-1-5090-6621-6. |
10 | Shilpa Rani, M. Deepika | Review on Medical Image processing. | National Conference on Covergence of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 1-4. |
11 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. M. B. Raju, Dr.N.Ravi Shankar, N.CH. Ravi, | Encountering SQL Injection in web applications, | 2 nd International Conference on Computational methodologies and Communications (ICCMC-2018). 15-16 FEB 2018. |
Journal Publications
S. No | Faculty name | Title of the Paper | Name of the journal/conference/convention/workshop | URL citation ISSN/ISBN Number |
1 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | Diversify Based On the Context of the Word Queries for Xml Data. | International journal of research, IJR Oct 2016. | ISSN 2348-6848 (Online) & 2348-795X (Print) |
2 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | Enhanced QoS Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommender System | International Journal of Research in Information Technology, IJRIT October 2016. | ISSN 2001-5596 |
3 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | Flexible and Secure Key Exchange Mechanism for Network File Systems. | International Journal of Research in Information Technology, Vol 4, Issue 10. | ISSN 2001-5596 |
4 | Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. Ravi | The Strong Confidence: The Process of Computational Dynamic Trust Model for Secure Communication in Multi-Agent Systems. | International journal of research IJR, Vol 3, Iss. | ISSN 2348-6848 (Online) & 2348-795X (Print) |
5 | G. Sravan Kumar | A Research on Big Data Mining with Hadoop F/W and It’s Echo Systems. | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). Vol-4, Issue-10, October 2016. | ISSN: 2321-9653 |
6 | G. Sravan Kumar | Unsupervised Learning for Outlier Detection from High-Dimensional Datasets. | International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT). Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016. | ISSN 2001-5569 |
7 | G. Sravan Kumar | Enabling Fine Grained Multi-Keyword Search Encrypted Cloud Data.. | International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT). Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016. | ISSN 2001-5569 |
8 | G. Sravan Kumar,Anumula Srinivas | A Framework for Flexible Search Dynamics on Encrypted Cloud Data. | International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT). Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016. | ISSN 2001-5569 |
9 | Masam Valli Kumar, Joshi Padma Narasimhachari | P2P Sharing Cluster Proximity Interest Aware File System. | International Journal of Research, Vol. 3, Iss. 4, | ISSN 2348-6848 |
10 | Joshi Padma, N | Cloud Privilege of Access to Data And Anonymity with the unknown Entirely Based Encryption to Control Characteristics. | International Journal of Research, Vol. 3, Iss. 4. | ISSN 2348-6848 |
11 | M. Deepika, Vennu Indivaru Teja | A Novel Approach for simultaneous graph computation . | International journals of Research in information Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 10, Oct 2016. | ISSN 2001-5569 |
12 | M Deepika, N Roja | Effective Topic Detection and Temporal summurization of tweet streams. | International Journals of Research in Information Technology, Vol. 4, Iss. 10, Oct 2016. | ISSN 2001-5569 |
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