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Outcome Based Education Workshops held at Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology

Faculty development programs on Outcome based education were organized at regular intervals and all the faculty from the departments have participated in the FDPs. Few faculty members have attended OBE workshop at JNTUH where Honorable Dr Sastry has spoken about Industry Requirements and background of Blooms Taxonomy and the importance of outcome based education.

Many Eminent professors from NITs and other colleges have conducted FDPs on OBE at our campus.

Some of them are Dr. K Kiran Kumar, Professor Mechanical Department, NIT Warangal, Dr. E. Suresh Babu, Professor CSE Department, NIT Warangal, Dr. Kota Naga Srinivasa Rao, Professor ECE Dept, NIT Warangal, Dr. S Viswanadha Raju, Professor & Vice Principal, CSE, JNTUH, Dr. P. Nageswara Rao, HOD-ECE, Vardhaman Engg. College, Dr. RajaniKanth Aluvalu, Associate Professor CSE, Vardhaman Engg. College, Prof. A. Gopala Sharma, Professor, HOD-ECE, Stanley Engineering College, Dr. DVLN Somayajulu, Prof. Dept of CSE, NIT Warangal; Dr. NUSN Sharma, Prof. Dept of ECE, NIT Warangal; Dr. L Anjaneyulu, Prof. Dept of ECE, NIT Warangal.