Mr. K. Sridhar Reddy
Associate Professor & Head of the Department – Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
- Ph.D., Pavement Engineering, January 2016 – till date
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, India
- M.Tech, Transportation Engineering (First class with Distinction)
- B.Tech, Civil Engineering (First class with Distinction)
Teaching and Research Interests:
- Transport planning and traffic engineering
- Pavement material characterization
- Performance evaluation of in-service pavements
- Pavement analysis and design
Professional Skills:
- Expertise in Non-destructive tests, in particular, Falling Weight Deflectometer, Crack width measurements, and Concrete fatigue.
- Experience in computational modeling software for pavements, using ABAQUS and ANSYS.
- Computer skills: AutoCAD, Minitab, SPSS for regression, and Python.
Teaching Experience
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad, India January 2021 to present
- Airport, Railways, and Waterways (Undergraduate), Spring (2022)
- Transportation Engineering (Undergraduate), Autumn (2021)
- Pavement Design (Undergraduate), Spring (2021)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur January 2016 – December 2020
- Transportation Engineering Lab-I (Postgraduate), Autumn (2018 & 2019)
- Transportation Engineering Lab-II (Postgraduate), Spring (2018, 2019 & 2020)
- Transportation Engineering Lab (Undergraduate), Autumn 2017
- Design Sessional Lab, Spring 2017
- Concrete Materials Lab, Autumn 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, CVR College of Engineering Hyderabad, India May-December 2015
Research/Industrial Experience:
- Mentored undergraduate and postgraduate students for their project work at IIT Kharagpur.
- Design, construction, and performance evaluation of short paneled concrete pavement (SPCP) test sections on NH-33 (1500 m) and NH-2 (384 m).
- Structural performance evaluation using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing (NH-2, NH-6, NH-33, and NH-60 sections).
- An active member in structural performance evaluation of short paneled concrete pavements and high modulus asphalt (HiMA) pavement test sections on various national highways as a part of ongoing research at IIT Kharagpur.
- Team leader and mentor for pavement condition survey on airfield runway, Air force station Kalaikonda.
- Expert advice on remedial measures of concrete pavement (NH-361) and flexible pavement (NH-PWD section).
- Proof checking of plan and profile for national highways (NH-6 and NH-33).
- Proof checking of pavement design for national highways (NH-45, NH-361, NH-206, and various segments of NH-365), India.
- Comments and suggestions were given on the revised draft of IRC SP: 117-2018, Guidelines for construction of two-layer concrete pavements along with BB Pandey.
- Assisted BB Pandeyin the initial draft preparation of IRC 37-2018.
- Performance evaluation of various materials such as bitumen binders, bituminous, and cement stabilized mixtures for different national and state highways, India.
- Involved in pedestrian behavior survey for Hyderabad Metro Rail Ltd. As a part of the modeling of skyways at Secunderabad station.
- Involved in traffic volume count study for GHMC conducted by JNTUH at Moulali junction as a part of consultancy work.
- Kasu, S.R., Patel, S., Chandrappa, A.K., and Muppireddy, A.R. (2022), “Curling of Cast-in-situ Short Slabs on Lean Concrete Base: Measured versus Theoretical Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (Accepted, In Press).
- Baghel, R.S.,Kasu, S.R., and Chandrappa, A.K. (2022), Effect of Dual and New Generation Wide-Base Tyre Assembly on Inverted Pavements, Vol. 2, No. 1, Journal of Road Engineering, doi: 1016/j.jreng.2022.04.001.
- Kasu, S.R., Tangudu, J.,Chandrappa, A.K., and Muppireddy, A.R. (2021), Influence of stiffness of dry lean concrete base on load stresses in the plain cement concrete slab of concrete pavements, Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, doi: 1080/14680629.2021.1924237.
- Kasu, S.R., Patel, S., and Muppireddy, A.R. (2021), “Field Experiments and Numerical Analysis of Curling Behavior of Cast-in-situ Short Paneled Concrete Pavement on Lean Concrete Base”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering,doi: 1080/10298436.2021.1916820.
- Kasu, S.R., Mitra, N., and Muppireddy, A.R. (2020), Influence of polyester micro fiber reinforcementon flexural fatigue characteristics of concrete, Road Materials and Pavement Design. doi: 1080/14680629.2020.1808521.
- Kasu, S.R., Manupati K., and Muppireddy, A.R. (2020), Investigations on design and durability characteristics of cement treated reclaimed asphalt for base and subbase layers, Construction and Building Materials, 252, 119102. doi: 1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119102.
- Kasu, S.R., Deb, S., Mitra, N., Muppireddy, A.R., & Kusam, S.R. (2019). Influenceof aggregate size on flexural fatigue response of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 229, 116922. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.116922.
- Swarna, S.T., Kasu, S.R., Muppireddy, A.R., and Pandey, BB (2018). Analysis of stresses due to traffic and thermal loads in two-lift bonded concrete pavements by finite element method, Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 207-222, doi: 10.1520/ACEM20170028. ISSN 2379-1357.
- Kasu, S.R., Muppireddy, A.R., and Mitra, N., “Construction Practices of Short Paneled Concrete Pavements (SPCP) for High Volume Roads”, 12thInternational Conference on Concrete Pavements, Virtual Conference, Sept-Oct.2021. doi:
- Kasu, S.R., Gunda, S., Muppireddy, A.R., and Mitra, N. (2020, August 3-7). “Effect of nominal maximum aggregate size on fatigue damage in concrete”, Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction (AM3P 2020), San Antonio, Tx, USA.
- Kasu, S.R., Chakraborty, R., Muppireddy, A.R., and Mitra, N., “Performance Evaluation of Narrow andNon-Doweled Joints in Experimental Short Paneled Concrete Pavements (SPCP)”, 18th LJMU Annual International Conference on Pavement Engineering, Asphalt Technology, and Infrastructure 27-28th Feb. 2019, Liverpool, UK.
- Kasu, S.R., Muppireddy, A.R., Mitra, N. and Reddy, K., “Methodology Adopted for Construction of ShortPaneled Concrete Pavements (SPCP) on High Volume Roads”, Construction and Maintenance of Rigid Pavements–Current Practices and Way Forward, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, India, Jan. 2019.
- Baghel, R.S.,Kasu, S.R., Chandrappa, A.K., “Comparison of Inverted Pavements with Different Types of Crack Relief Layers”, International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, ASCE, Austin, Tx, USA, 2021.doi:
- Teja, S. S., Reddy, K. S., Reddy, M. A., & Pandey, B. B. “Analysis of Bonded Concrete Pavements Using 3D FEM”, The conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), IIT Bombay, India 2016.
- Travel grant for attending the conference at Liverpool, UK from the IIT Kharagpur, Feb 2019.
- Fellowship from Ministry of Human Resource Department to carryout Ph.D. dissertation work at IIT Kharagpur, Jan 2016 to December 2020.
- Fellowship from TEQIP-II under World Bank project during post-graduation at JNTU Hyderabad, 2013 to 2015.
Professional Bodies/Certifications:
- Member of Indian Roads Congress(ID: eLM-101567)
- Chartered Engineer and Associate member in Institution of Engineers(ID: AM183815-9)
- Student Member in ASTM(ID: 1955069)
- Member in IAENG (ID: 297764)
- Reviewer in Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials– Springer Nature.
- Reviewer in Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering– Elsevier, UK.
- Reviewer in InternationalJournal of Pavement Engineering – Taylor and Francis.
Invited Talks/Workshops/Moocs/FDPs:
- Technical Lecture on Cast-in-situ Short Paneled Concrete Pavements (CiSPCP) for Low Volume Roads – Design, Construction and Maintenance, International Conference on New Technologies and Innovations in Rural Roads organized by NIRDA, Ministry of Rural Development and World Bank, New Delhi, India, 24th to 26th May 2022.
- Attended One-week Online Short-Term Training Programme on NBA Accreditation for Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges, 07thMar to 11th Mar 2022, NITTR Kolkata, India.
- Attended One-week Online Short-Term Training Programme on Modelling, Analysis and Design of Buildings with Software, 31st to 4thFeb 2022, NITTR Kolkata, India.
- Attended One-week Online Faculty Development Programme on Digital Teaching Techniques, 25th to 29thOct 2021, ATOS Syntel and ICT Academy, India.
- Attended One-week Online Faculty Development Programme on RecentAdvances in Forensic Analysis in Civil Engineering, 27th to 01st Oct 2021 at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Bhubaneswar, ATAL Academy, India.
- Invited talk on Module 4 – Design of Rigid Pavements as per IRC 58 for TIPD 2021, online summer internship program organized by KIIT deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India, 14th to 19th June 2021.
- Attended One-week Online Short-Term Course on Advances in Pavement Engineering, 24thMay to 28th May 2021 at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India.
- Organized One-week online faculty development program (FDP)as a convener on Sustainable Materials and Pavement Performance (SMPP): Design, Construction, and Maintenance, 26th April to 01st May 2021 at Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad, India.
- Attended One-week Hands-on workshop on Python Programming for Machine Learning, 22ndApril to 28th April 2021 at Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad, India.
- Lead role in the student organizing committee for a three-day workshop on Developments in Pavement Engineering (DiPAV), 12-14 February 2018, Indian Institute of TechnologyKharagpur, India.
- Member of the organizing committee for short-term course on Roadway Pavements Construction & Quality: Principles & Practices for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure, 24-26 September 2016at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.
- Attended a 10-day faculty development program (FDP), June 2015, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
- Member of the organizing committee for a day workshop on Pavement Materials and Pavement Design, 21 September 2013 at JNTU Hyderabad, India.