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ECE @ Glance

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2011. The major objective of the Department is to impart high-quality education and research. All through its sparkling history, the department of ECE has been known for its exceptionally strong Under-Graduate training programs. Courses like Electronic devices and circuits, Signals & systems, Electric Circuits are introduced in the early semesters. Advanced courses and electives such as Analog & Digital Communications, Satellite communications, Radar systems and Wireless communications and networks in later years enable students to specialize in communications, signal processing, robotics, VLSI, embedded systems and other streams. Since its inception, the Department has progressed rapidly and is now regarded as one of the Premier Departments, with excellent infrastructure and quality Faculties. The Department has MOUs with BSNL, Corel Technologies, Physitech, SS Electronics, Campus Image.

Programme Offered

UG: Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) with an intake of 60 for the duration of 4 Years