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Alumni Meet for former-Sreyans is a “Home-coming”, a tradition that they look forward to every year to have fun, share their real-time experiences and cherish their college memories.

It was an incredible reunion of alumni, students, faculty and the Management on 4 January, 2020. Around 200+ enthusiastic former students of the college attended the meet and had a memorable time.

The event started with the invocation ceremony, to take the blessings of Mother Goddess Saraswathi and the auspicious lighting of the lamp by all the dignitaries on the dais. The welcome speech for the occasion was given by our beloved Principal Dr. Suresh Akella and the HoDs of different departments have expressed their gratitude for seeing such a good number to re-unite in the nest from where they grew and flew off.

The juniors greeted the seniors with cultural songs and dances. An interaction session where questions based on Life@ Sreyas were asked to the ALUMNI MEET 2020, which revealed secrets, experiences, and suggestions by Alumni. They had a fair and informative discussion with students and motivated them with their expertise. Juniors were enthusiastic to see and know many more things about these eminent alumni and questioned them about their secrets of a bright future. Many alumni opined that the key reason for their success is the platform the institute provided them and the amount of support provided by the management and faculty during their study period.

A video presentation comprising of the previous ALUMNI MEET 2020, together with memorable photos of the fresh alumni was a nostalgic feeling which was acknowledged by one and all present in the auditorium. More importantly, the love and affection showed to our call from the Alumni a committee was remarkable and everyone’s presence made the day filled with love, affection, and gratitude.

“ALUMNI MEET 2020 “was a great success in its prime motive of Connecting and Networking the alumnus. The Alumni association is moving ahead, with selfless intentions for the growth and development of college sreyas students and society around. The association will continuously work
towards its vision for a better tomorrow…..

Alumni meet 2020