B.E. M.E Ph.D Computer Science and Engineering
Professor & HoD , Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Email: cse.hod@sreyas.ac.in , umfernandesdimlo@sreyas.ac.in
Mobile: +91 – 9701056819
- Ph.D from University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka .
- M.E in CSE from Hindustan College of Engineering, Chennai Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai (2004-2006)
- B.E in CSE from Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichy (1994-1998).
- 24 years of experience.
- 24 years of teaching experience for both UG and PG. Taught subjects like Compiler design, Formal languages and Automata theory, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Machine Learning, Data Structures, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Information Security
Current Association:
- Professor & Head of the Department – Computer Science and Engineering, at SREYAS Institute of Engineering and Technology, affiliated to JNTUH.
Professional Memberships:
- Life Member – ISTE (LM -99187, Year: 2014)
Research, Projects & Publications
- Published 22 papers in National and International Conferences and Journals.
- Organized and Attended several Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) / Workshops / Seminars.
- Delivered Guest lectures / Expert lectures on Automata theory in various Engineering colleges across Hyderabad.
- Acted as Judge for various National Level Technical Fests.
Books/Chapters Reviewed:
- Published book titled “Python for Professionals” in BP Publications PVT.LTD.
Research Areas:
- Automata Theory
- Machine Learning
- Information Security