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The department has the following laboratories to meet the requirements of CSE. All the laboratories in the department are well equipped with the latest software’s and technologies so as to provide required infrastructures to carry in-house projects for final year students as well as R&D activities.

Programming for problem solving in C:

This lab is a part of I B. Tech for CSE students. We propose an approach to the description of the semantics of data structures in programming languages, we make the student to learn and solve the problems and implement linear data structures such as Lists, Stacks, Queues, Searching and Sorting methods, Linear regression algorithms, Interpolation, Trapezoidal method and Simpson methods with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Document and present the algorithms, flowcharts and programs in form of user-manuals
  • Ability to identify and apply the logical ability to solve the data structures problems
  • Apply the concepts of compiling, debugging, linking and executing a program using the development environment
  • Analyzing the complexity of problems, Modularize the problems into small modules and then convert them into programs

Data Structures through C++ Lab

This lab is as a part of II B. Tech I semester for CSE students. We propose an approach to the description of the semantics of data structures in programming languages, we make the student to learn and solve object oriented problems and writing abstract data types for all data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, search trees and various sorting and searching methods with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Ability to identify the appropriate data structures for given problems
  • Graduate able to design and analyze the time and space complexity of algorithm or program
  • Ability to effectively use compilers includes library functions, debuggers and trouble shooting

Database Management Systems Lab:

This lab is a part of II B. Tech II semester for CSE students. Database Management System or DBMS in short refers to the technology of storing and retrieving users’ data with utmost efficiency along with appropriate security measures. This lab enables the students to practice the concepts like E-R model, data models, data schemas, data independence.

ence, relational database design, storage and file structure and much more in the DBMS subject by developing a database. The student is expected to practice the designing, developing and querying a database in the context of database to be created with MySQL with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Ability to design and implement a database schema for given problem
  • Be capable to design and build a GUI application
  • Apply the normalization techniques for development of application software to realistic problems
  • Ability to formulate queries using SQL DML/DDL/DCL commands

Object Oriented Programming Lab / Java Programming Lab:

This lab is as a part of II B.Tech II semester for CSE students. The Java Programming Lab introduces java compiler and Eclipse platform and covers Applets, JDBC, Abstract Classes, Mouse Events, Meta-Data, Multithreaded Programs, Exception Handling and OOPS concepts. The students are expected to practice and implement the above said technologies with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • To understand basics of Java Programming, multi-threaded programs and Exception handling
  • The skills to apply OOPS concepts in java programming and problem solving
  • Ability to access data from a DB with Java programs
  • Use of GUI components (Console and GUI based)

Compiler Design Lab:

This lab is as a part of III B.Tech I semester for CSE students. Compiler design principles provide an in-depth view of translation and optimization process. This lab enables the students to practice basic translation mechanism by designing a complete translator for a mini language and error detection & recovery. It includes lexical, syntax, and semantic analysis as front end, and code generation and optimization as back-end with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • To understand the practical approach of how a compiler works
  • To enable to work in the development phase of new computer languages in industry

Operating Systems Lab:

This lab is as a part of III B.Tech I semester for CSE students. The objective of this lab is to teach students about various operating systems including Windows, Mac and Unix. Students learn about systems configuration and administration. Students learn, explore and practice technologies related to scheduling policies, memory management techniques, process concurrency and synchronization, I/O storage and file management and to study different operating systems with deadlock recovery and avoidance with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Apply optimization techniques for the improvement of system performance
  • Ability to understand the synchronous and asynchronous communication mechanisms in their respective OS

Learn about minimization of turnaround time, waiting time and response time and also maximization of throughout with keeping CPU as busy as possible.

Case Tools & Web Technologies Lab:

This lab is a part of III year B. Tech II semester for CSE students. Case tools refers to the application of the UML to solve common modeling problems and master the vocabulary, rules, idioms of the UML for the process of developing software systems using Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, State Diagram, Activity Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Test Diagram. The student is expected to practice the above said diagrams with the design of simulated automated machine with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Ability to understand the history cost of using and building CASE tools

Web Technologies:

This lab is a part of III B. Tech II semester for CSE students. This section provides information about web technologies that relate to the interface between web servers and their clients. This information includes markup languages, programming interfaces and languages, standards for document identification and develops interactive web applications with client side script technologies for solving web client/server problems with technologies like HTML, Java Script, AJAX, PHP, XML, Servlets, JSP and BEANS. The students are expected to practice and implement the above said technologies with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • To use LAMP Stack, Tomcat Server for Web applications
  • To write applications for the above said technologies with connection to databases and get results

Linux Programming Lab:

This lab is as a part of IV B. Tech I semester for CSE students .The Linux programming laboratory course covers major methods of Inter Process Communication (IPC), which is the basis of all client / server applications under Linux, Linux Utilities, working with the Bourne again shell (bash), files, process and signals. There will be extensive programming exercises in shell scripts. It also emphasizes various concepts in multithreaded programming and socket programming. The students are expected to practice and implement the above said technologies with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • The ability to understand Linux environment
  • The ability to perform the file management and multiple tasks using shell scripts in Linux environment

Data Warehousing and Data Mining Lab:

This lab is as a part of IV B. Tech I semester for CSE students. The Data Mining Lab course covers the data sets and data preprocessing and to build data warehouse and query it and also to perform data mining tasks using a data mining toolkit. Demonstrate the working of algorithms for data mining tasks such as association rule mining, classification, clustering and regression, Exercise the data mining techniques with varied input values for different parameters on real world data sets. The students are expected to practice and implement the above said technologies with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • The ability to add mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools
  • The ability to apply mining techniques for realistic data

IT Workshop Lab:

This lab is a part of I B. Tech for CSE students. We propose an approach to work on working PC to disassemble and assemble to working condition, install Windows and Linux on the same PC and also enable in crafting professional word documents, Excel spread sheets and power point presentations using M.S Office 2007 and LaTex with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals. The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Apply knowledge for computer assembling and software installation
  • Ability to solve the troubleshooting problems
  • Apply the tool for preparation of PPT, documentation and budget sheet etc.