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CSE Journals

2021 -2022

Sr No.Name of the author/sTitle of paperName of JournalIndexingMonth-
1Joshi Padma NSmart Algorithms to Secure Web based Applications from SQL Injection AttacksJournal of Xidian UniversityScopus2022-02-01 00:00:001001-2400http://xadzkjdx.cn/Archives/
2Joshi Padma NSurigical Striking SQL Injection Attacks Using LSTMIndian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)Scopus2022-02-01 00:00:000976-5166http://www.ijcse.com/ijcse-issue.html?issue=20221301
3Joshi Padma NBuilding Security Barriers by Modified Algorithms in Blockchain to Prevent SQL
Injection and XSS
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)ScopusMar-Apr 20220976-5166http://www.ijcse.com/docs/INDJCSE22-13-02-144.pdf
4Ashwani KumarA cloud-based buyer-seller watermarking protocol
(CB-BSWP) using semi-trusted third party for copy
deterrence and privacy preserving
Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsSCI2022-03-01 00:00:0013807501https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11042-022-12550-7.pdf
5S.Sai Satyanarayana ReddyEnergy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Weed Optimization International Journal of Future Generation Communication and NetworkingScopus2021-12-01 00:00:005071-5082
6S.Sai Satyanarayana Reddy,
Ashwani Kumar
CoySvM-(GeD): Coyote Optimization-Based Support Vector Machine Classifier for Cancer Classification Using Gene Expression DataHindavi Journal of Sensors SCI2022-05-01 00:00:00 1687-7268 https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2022/6716937/
7Ashwani Kumar, S.Sai Satyanarayana ReddySmart Healthcare: Disease Prediction Using the Cuckoo-Enabled Deep Classifier in IoT FrameworkHindavi Scientific ProgrammingSCI2022-05-01 00:00:001875-919Xhttps://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2022/6716937/
8Ashwani KumarSmHeSol (IoT-BC): Smart Healthcare Solution for Future Development Using Speech Feature Extraction Integration Approach with IoT and BlockchainHindavi Journal of Sensors SCI2022-05-30 00:00:001687-7268 https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2022/3862860/
9V BikshamNovel Techniques for Components Classification and AdaptationJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyScopus2022-05-22 00:00:001992-8645 http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol100No9/26Vol100No9.pdf
10Swathi GowrojuReview on secure traditional and machine learning algorithms for age prediction using IRIS imageMultimedia Tools and Applications
An International Journal
SCI2022-06-28 00:00:001380-7501https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-022-13355-4
11Srilatha Puli,Nandyala Bindu, Belide Partha,Katta Meghana,Vaddula AnirudhQuality risk analysis for sustainable smart water supply using data perceptionInternational Journal of Health SciencesScopus(June)-20222550-696Xhttps://sciencescholar.us/journal/index.php/ijhs/article/view/9826
12 Mrs. Srilatha Puli,
Kuchipudi Sai Srivalli Pranathi,
Medaboina Samba Raju,
Pulamaddi Rohith,
Yarabarla Anurag
Self Annihilation Ideation DetectionNeuro Quantology Journal Scopus(June)-20221303-5150https://www.neuroquantology.com/archives.php
13M Sudhakar,Shamala Tejaswini,Marpaka Shivani Reddy,Poddaturi Vishal,Gangula Bany VishwasDetecting a Pothole Using Deep CNN for an Adaptive Shock Observing in a Vechile DrivingNeuro Quantology Journal Scopus(June)-20221303-5150https://neuroquantology.com/article.php?id=4265
14 P. Nagaraj, P. Sahith Krishna, P. Shiva Sai, P. Sampath KumarForecasting Cyber Attacks Using Machine LearningJournal of OPtoelectronics LaserScopus(July)-20221005-0086http://gdzjg.org/index.php/JOL/issue/archive
15Ashwani KumarFeature Extraction Approach for Speaker Verification to Support
Healthcare System Using Blockchain Security for Data Privacy
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
SCI(July)-20221748-6718(ISSN Online)
16 Dr. Shaik Abdul Nabi, Bethelli Meghana Reddy, Kashetty Sai Chaitanya, Medishetty Harini,
Tirunagari Meher Praneeth
Detection Of Sceptical Activity On CCTV
NeuroQuantologyScopus(June)-20221303-5150doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.NQ22726
Dr. Shaik Abdul Nabi, Mamidi Harshitha Reddy, Narayana Sowmya,
Katipelly Goutham Reddy, Abhilash Chaparala
Timely Identification of Parkinson's disease Using Machine Learning and Deep LearningNeuroQuantologyScopus(June)-20221303-5150doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.NQ22728
18A. SwathiA smart application to detect pupil for small dataset with low
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering A NASA JournalScopus20211614-5054https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11334-020-00382-3
19Mrs. Srilatha PuliA Machine Learning Model for Air Quality Prediction for Smart CitiesDesign Engineering Scopus20210011-9342http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/issue/view/31
20P. Nagaraj, ChennaSriya,, SarikondaMahidhar Raju, SabaNaazneenKauser,
Chintala Rakesh
SMART Street – An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Street Garbage Detection & Alert SystemDesign Engineering Scopus20210011-9342http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/issue/view/31
21Joshi Padma, N.Smart Security Controls for Strikers for Dynamic Computing ModelsIndian Journal of Computer Science and EngineeringScopus20220976-5166http://www.ijcse.com/docs/INDJCSE22-13-02-125.pdf
22Object Detection with Voice Sensor and Cartoonizing the ImageMd.Salar Mohammad, Bollepalli Pranitha, Shivani Goud Pandula , Pulakanti Teja SreeInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering UGC Care2021-08-01 00:00:002278–3091http://paper.researchbib.com/view/paper/329383
23A Study on Cyber Attacks & the Role of Efflorescing Technologies In Cyber SpaceMamidi Harshitha Reddy & Dr. S Venkata Achuta Rao
The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC Care2021-09-01 00:00:000886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VII-JULY-2021-SP-1/
24An Analysis on Software Defect Prediction Using Machine Learning ApproachesK. Aravind Kumar and
Dr. S. Venkata Achuta Rao
The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC Care2021-09-01 00:00:000886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VII-JULY-2021-SP-1/
25Optimizing Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Hybrid Multi-Task Learning ApproachM. Lubna Yasmeen, Qurratul Aini, Sumaya Tazeen, Sumaiya AnjumTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)UGC Care2022-01-01 00:00:001309-6591https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/tojqi
26Analysis of Security Sytem for IOT Environment Archana Pinnoji and
International Journal of Creative Research ThoughtsUGC Care2022-02-01 00:00:002320-2882
27Accuracy Driven Classification Model For Age PredictionK.Ramya LaxmiInternational Journal of Creative Research ThoughtsUGC Care2022-02-01 00:00:002320-2882https://ijcrt.org/archivelist.php
28Theory and Practice of Interactive Maps Based on
Machine Learning Algorithm
Ashwani Kumar, Sreemayi Dontha, Rufus Rompicherla,
Gouri Mallepally, Rajoju Pramodh
YMERUGC Care (Mar) - 20220044-0477http://ymerdigital.com/uploads/YMER210203.pdf
29Predicting Covid-19 Trends Using Machine Learning
based on Linear and Multiple Linear Regression Model
Ashwani Kumar, Kondam Deeksha, Gudidevuni Sai Pooja,
Thippireddy Tarun Reddy, Tera Akhil Reddy
YMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
30Real Time Criminal Identifiction Based on Face Recognition V.Swathi Journal of theMaharaja Sayajirao University of BarodaUGC Care2021-07-01 00:00:00 0025-0422
31Uplifting the Farmer through Connected EcosystemsMr. M.A.R. Kumar,Ms. Y. Sahithi,Ms. Nikhat Sheerin,Ms. T.Aakanksha,Mr. K. Rajkumar Reddy,YMERUGC Care2022-04-01 00:00:000044-0477http://ymerdigital.com/archives/?cpage=3&issId=%202104
32Finding Data Deduplication Using CloudMr. M.A.R. Kumar,Yanagandula Nandini, K. Prasanna Vaishnavi,Naredla Meghana, Rudavath SaiYMERUGC Care2022-05-22 00:00:000044-0477http://ymerdigital.com/archives/?cpage=1&issId=%202105
33Automated Fire Detection and Surveillance SystemK. Ramya Laxmi, A. Sreeja, E. Revanth, Manasa Gourishetty & M. RushikeshYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
34Backorder PrognosticationDr. Abdul Nabi Shaik, Mamidi Harshitha Reddy, Narayana Sowmya,Katipelly Goutham Reddy & Abhilash ChaparalaYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
35Face Recognition Based Student Attendance Using Python and OpencvM. Naresh Choudary, Seelam Srujan, Veeramalla Aswini Laya, Neelapu Neeraj Reddy & Ranga ShivaniYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
36Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine LearningDr. V. Biksham, Mrs. V. Srujana, Mrs. I.Meghana, Mr. B.Harshath & Mr. G.TarunYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
37Forecasting Life Expectancy Using Machine LearningMr.C.Phaneendra, Kunchala Amulya, Kodati Naga Rekha Harini, Lekkala Rithik Reddy & Manepally BhargavYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
38Facial Emotion RecognitionMrs.T. Ramya, Mr.Y. Anurag, Ms.K.S.S. Pranathi, Mr.M. Samba Raju & Mr.P. RohithYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
39Analysis of Brand Popularity Using Big Data and TwitterMrs. Srilatha Puli, Mr. W. Balakrishna, Mr. P. Roopeshwar, Mr. M. Prashanth, Mr. P. Venkatesh & Mr. AbhilashYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
40College Enquiry ChatbotMadhuravani K, Kusunam Nandini, Mashetti Deepthi, Jarpula Akash & Vettimukkala KavyaYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
41Stock Price PredictionDr. V Biksham, Mr. G Venu, Mr. B Vishal Kumar, Mr. C Rahul & Mr. M Bhargav SaiYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
42Anti-Sleep Alarm System for Drowsy DriverP. Archana, M.Pavan kumar, K. Manikanta, M. Nithin & MD.SulemanYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
43Cashless Society: Managing Privacy and SecurityM.Sudhakar, G.Ananya, K. Iswarya Lakshmi, K.Rishitha & G.JoshnaviYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
44Women Safety ToolG. Sravan Kumar, D. Kavya, G. Priyanka P. Rahul & Shaik Nagul SharifYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
45Prioritized To-Do ListMr. M. Naresh Choudary, Smrithi Rudroj, Lasya Priya Konduru, Jathin Reddy Kallem & Tupran TrinathYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
46Detecting Abusive and Insulting Comments on Social MediaJoshi Padma. N, Peddada Anvitha, Poddaturu Sushmitha Reddy, Raperthi Tarun Chandra Bhoopathi & Chevity NagarajuYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
47Query Stand Web Development with User AuthenticationMr. C. Phaneendra, Mr. B.Sai Prasad, Mr. P.Sainath, Mr. Ch.Mukesh Reddy & Ms. Y. SowmyaYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
48Corona Virus Detection Using Probability ClassificationYasaswini K, Sreya M, Shirisha B, Srilatha A & Saicharan CHYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
49Controlling Videolan Client Media Using Lucas Kanade Optimal Flow Algorithm And OpencvDr. Abdul Nabi Shaik, E. Sai Priya, G. Nikitha, K. Pracheen Kumar & N.Shravya ShreeYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
50Recommendation System for TouristsA.Srinivasa Reddy, Buddala Ramya, Thallada Harika, Beeram Supriya & Nasiha TabasumYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
51Cricket Analysis Using Machine LearningVijaya Lakshmi.P, Kanike Haripriya, Saipavan Gangishetti, Thummalapalli VLB Gayatri & Snehith YarlagaddaYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
52Finding Music GenreLubna Yasmeen, K M Ritish Bharadwaj, Chiluka Sai Prakash Reddy, Vanaparthi Sandeep & Chatharasi Vishal YadavYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
53Youtube Adview Prediction Using Regression ModelMr. K.Krishna Reddy, M.Pranavi ReddyYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
54Predicting Flight Delays with Error Calculation Using Machine LearningK. Narsimhulu, K. Manish Reddy, K. Nikhil & E. Sai TejaYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
55Detecting Unauthorized or Fraud Profiles Using Artificial Neural NetworksMr K.K. Swamy, Ms. B. Meghana Reddy, Mr. K. Sai Chaitanya, Ms. M. Harini & Mr. T. Meher PraneethYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
56Crime Analysis Using Machine LearningMr. K.K.Swamy, Mrs. Srilatha Puli, S. Swetha, B. Sharanya, A. Anuhya & J.ShreyasYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
57Location Prediction on Twitter Using Machine Learning TechniquesA.V.Srinivas, Nandyala Bindu, Belide Partha, Katta Meghana & Vaddula AnirudhYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
58E-Commerce Website on Covid EssentialsMrs. M. Lubna Yasmeen, Prashant Pandey, T. Deepika Tanmayee, Tatipamula Sri Priya & Tripurana Jeevana RoshiniYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
59Prediction of Diabetes Using Machine LearningAV Srinivas, Abbireddy Ramya, GT Chandralekha, Bhandaram Vaagdevi & K Anand GoudYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
60Online Dance Academy Management SystemMrs. Y. SIRISHA, Ms. Pallem Nomika Sree, Ms. Pachipala Soumya, Mr. Dharanalakota Sai Srinivas & Mr.Bantu Lalith RajuYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
61Traffic Prediction for Intelligent Transportation SystemY. Sirisha, Sai Shravya Garlapati, Deeksha Dubey, Gantla Shashank Reddy & N. Shashi KiranYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
62Eye Ball Cursor Movement Using OpencvG. Sravan Kumar, Gardas Mythri, G. Tejaswini, Kakarla Ayesha Bhanu & Kusa VaishnaviYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
63Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing From E-Commerce WebsitesN Santhosh Ramchander, Panuganti Medha, Rodda Lalitha, Samaleti Manasa & Ramavath Naresh NaikYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
64University Admission Prediction using Machine LearningMrs. Joshi Padma. N, P. Chandana, G.Kavya, J. Sreekar & Y.Sowmith ReddyYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
65Emotion Based Music PlayerMr. M. Sudhakar, Shamala Tejaswini, Marpaka Shivani Reddy, Poddaturi Vishal & Gangula Bany VishwasYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
66Disease Diagnosis Using Machine LearningB. Sabitha, Pastham Supriya, Aeddalinti Chaitanya, Addula Mounika & Bommidi NiharikaYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
67House Price PredictionV. Vijay Bhasker Reddy, Burugu Chandana, Reddy Sindhu Reddy, Tandava Charitha & Sravya SiripragadaYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
68Fake News Classification Model Using Machine LearningK. Madhuravani, Narsin Vamshika, Bachu Akhila , Varikuppala Praveen Kumar & Singireddy Vaarshik ReddyYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
69Jeevan Online Health ApplicationNagesh. M, Vardhan reddy Rangineni, Nithin reddy Gantla, Sri teja reddy Kotha & Shashi Kumar.BYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
70E-Commerce Website for Bike AccessoriesDr. Venkata Achuta Rao. S, Kakumani Manasa, Yerramilli Pragna Sree, Uppu Sai Kumari & Yechuri MohanYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
71Mobile Application to Address Civic IssuesV. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy, M.K Shiva Chaitanya, S. Sai Teja, R. Satya Narayana Raju & G. Karthik YadavYMERUGC Care(May) - 2022
72Applications of machine learning in the filed of medical careDr. M. Jayaram, Bhogaraju Lakshmi Nikitha,Thota Komal,Karnam Dhanush Kumar, Gaddhala SandeepJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC Care(April)-20220022-1945http://www.jicrjournal.com/Volume-XIV-Issue-IV-April/2022/
73Predict If a Customer Would Signing a LoanSabitha B , Pochaboina Saraswathi Yadav, Katakam Shivani, Satyasi AnushaInternational Journal of Progressive Research in Science and EngineeringUGC Care(April)-20222582-7898https://www.journals.grdpublications.com/index.php/ijprse/article/view/555/525
74Number Plate Detection without Helment using Deep LearningDr.M.Jayaram, B. Bhanuteja, C. Anusha, Ch. Vamshi, Md Moin UddinJournal of Information and Computational Science UGC Care(June)-20221548-7741http://www.joics.org/VOL-12-ISSUE-6-2022/
75Phishing Website Detection Using Machine LearningMrs. Vijaya Lakshmi.p , Kolanu Shailaja, Kommidi Sahithi reddy, Mallu Manideep, Vignesh vardhan kuncharapuInternational Journal of ResearchUGC Care(May) - 2022
76 Data corruption avoidance in cloud computing
Nagesh. M, Vardhan reddy Rangineni, Nithin reddy Gantla, Sri teja reddy Kotha & Shashi Kumar. BYMERUGC Care(June)-2022 0044-0477http://ymerdigital.com/archives/?cpage=2&issId=%202106
77Blockchain-Based Access Control System for Cloud StorageSurarapu Sunitha, Nampalli Shirisha, Batchu Teja Sai Satish, Koyalakonda Vishnu & Timmanayanapeta SankalpYMERUGC Care(June)-2022 0044-0477http://ymerdigital.com/archives/?cpage=3&issId=%202106
78N-Grams Assisted Youtube Spam Comment DetectionMrs. Srilatha Puli, Yella Sowmya Reddy, Thirupathi Nithin, Vemuganti Meghana, Pamulaparthi SindhuYMERUGC Care(April) - 2022
79Urban Street Cleanliness Assessment Using Mobile Edge Computing and Deep Learning

Mrs. Srilatha Puli, Singarapu Swetha, E. Sai Priya, Addu Anuhya, J. Shreyas Reddy Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
80A Study of Blockchain Technology in Farmer's PortalV. Swathi, Busireddy Sravanthi, Nikitha Gowlikar, Gorla Mounika, Vadyala Sreeja Reddy Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
81Airfare PrognosisM. A. R. Kumar, Wadikar Balakrishna, Pampary Roopeshwar, Mandati Prashanth, Rudavath Sai Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
82Cryptocurrency Price Analysis Using Artificial IntelligenceSunitha Surarapu, Koyalakonda Vishnu, Nampalli Shirisha, Timmanayanapeta Sankalp, Batchu Teja Sai Satish Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
83Fake Job Listing Analysis Domain: Machine Learning Dr. V. Biksham, Srujana Vuppala, I. Meghana Reddy, B. Harshath, G. Tarun Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
84Human Activity RecognitionDr. Shaik Abdul Nabi, Bathula Narendra Sai, Bapu Sharanya, Nomula Shravya Shree, Kommu Pracheen Kumar Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
85Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning Domain: Machine LearningDr. V. Biksham, Yanagandula Nandini, K. Prasanna Vaishnavi, Naredla Meghana, Palthavath Venkatesh, Vepachettu Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
86Protecting Information Using Ai And BlockchainAnanda R. Kumar Mukkala, Komma Reddy Sreeja, P. Keerthi Reddy, Bollampally Shriya Reddy, Mohammed Azhan Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
87Real-Time People Counting for Surveillance VideosDr. Shaik Abdul Nabi, Yadavelly Sahithi, Nikhat Sheereen, Thakur Aakanksha, Korla Rajkumar Reddy Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
88Self Driving SurveillanceMrs. V. Swathi, S. Subba Sirisha, K. Teena Reddy, C. V. Sumedha, M. Nitish Kumar Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
89Smart Home AssistantMrs. P. Vijaya Lakshmi, Haripriya Kanike, Saipavan Gangishetti, Thummalapalli V. L. B. Gayatri, Snehith Yarlagadda Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
90Urban Street Cleanliness Assessment Using Mobile Edge Computing and Deep LearningMrs. Srilatha Puli, Singarapu Swetha, E. Sai Priya, Addu Anuhya, J. Shreyas Reddy Journal of Algebraic Statistics(Indexed in WoS)
UGC Care(June)-2022 1309-3452
91Alert System for Drivers by Traffic Sign Board RecognitionK. Narsimhulu, K. Manish Reddy, K. Nikhil, E. Sai Teja and B. Vivek KumarYMERUGC Care(July) – 2022 0044-0477http://ymerdigital.com/archives/?cpage=4&issId=%202104
92System for Recording Attendance using PythonP.Nagaraj, Sahith Krishna Palla,Shiva sai Putnala,Sampath Kumar ParvathamJournal of Information and Computational ScienceUGC Care(June)-20221548-7741http://www.joics.org/VOL-12-ISSUE-4-2022/
93Credit Card Fraud Detection Critical AnalysisP.Nagaraj, Chenna Sriya, Sarikonda Mahidhar Raju, Saba Naazneen Kauser, Chintala RakeshInternational Journal for Modern Trends in Science and TechnologyUGC Care(May) - 2022
94Classification of Pulmonary Diseases Using Cough SoundMrs P. Archana,Pilli Jeevana,Tirumali Nandini,Domala Srilekha,Guguloth DineshJournal of Algebraic Statistics (Indexed in WoS)UGC Care(June)-20221309-3452https://publishoa.com/index.php/journal/issue/view/17
95Secure Blog SiteMahalakshmi B International Journal of Progressive Research in Science and EngineeringUGC Care2022-05-01 00:00:002582-7898https://www.ijprse.com/volume-3-issue-05-may-2022/
96Detection of Fake Reviews on Online Reviews Platforms using Deep Learning ArchitecturesM JayaramDesign EngineeringScopus20210011-9342http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/9556
97Review of Fall Detection System Using Artificial IntelligenceP. Vijaya LaxmiNeuroQuantologyScopus2022-08-01 00:00:001303-5150Accepted

2020 -2021

Sl No.Title of paperName of the author/sName of JournalIndexingYear of PublicationISBN/ISSN numberLink of the Recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1Defensive Walls For Detecting And Preventing SQL Injection And XSS Attacks In Dynamic Content Delivery Network Web ApplicationsJoshi PadmaDesign Engineering Scopus20210011-9342http://thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/3647
2EVBlocks: A Blockchain‑Based Secure Energy Trading Scheme
for Electric Vehicles underlying 5G‑V2X Ecosystems
Dr. Ashwani KumarWireless Personal CommunicationsSCI2021 0929-6212https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11277-021-08732-5
3A Study of incremental Learning model using deep neural network Dr.V.GouthamInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and EngineeringScopus20212278-3091 http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse281022021.pdf
4Fuzzy K-means clustering with fast density peak clustering on multivariate kernel estimator with evolutionary multimodal optimization clusters on a large dataset Dr.G. SuryaNarayana Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsSCI20201573-7721/1380-7501https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-020-09718-4
55G Integrated Spectrum Selection and Spectrum Access Using AI-Based Framework for IoT Based Sensor NetworksDr.G. SuryaNarayana Computer NetworksSCI20201389-1286https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389128620312676
6Machine Learning based wireless Acoustic Communication with Enhanced PerformanceDr.D.ShanthiMaterials TodaySCI2020ISSN: 2214-7853https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785320408508#!
7Artificial Intelligence Support for Cloud Computing Intrusion, Deep-Cloud IssuesVaddhiraju SwathiSolid State TechnologyScopus20200038-111Xhttp://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/6945
8Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection Using Ensemble Approach Of Random Forest Classifier AlgorithmDr.D.ShanthiJournal of Microprocessors and Microsystems
Oncology and Radiotherapy
1An autonomous Vehicle Mrs.Joshi PadmaJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aDVsuJOWcTm6SUe4wVEN1hUqeX4XaYWI/view
2Face Mask Monitoring SystemPuli SrilathaThe International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SXdHciYR28U99fZ1h-o7GnlAHJS697w9/view
3Machine Learning Based Fradulent online Recruitment Detection systemMr MA Ranjith KumarComplexity Internationl JournalUGC20211320-0682http://cij.org.in/pdf250221/CIJ-25-02-00030.pdf
4People Counting and Tracking SystemMrs.P LavanyaJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rLhNimJ2eFy_3kcyH25XgLjRhizZg_an/view
5Brain Tumor Detection Using CNNMrs A SwathiThe International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hIM4qgNpOrU-L7uNnbGp-ayFX2jENY1u/view
6S2S TranslatorMr G Sravan KumarComplexity Internationl JournalUGC20211320-0682http://cij.org.in/pdf250221/CIJ-25-02-00031.pdf
7Detection of Fraudulent Behaviour in Water ConsumptionMr N Santhosh Rama ChanderJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945https://drive.google.com/file/d/19GKMg1LTbiKI_mzE3zTXlGM-gm4wrLky/view
8A Deep Learning Based Accident Detection SystemDr D ShanthiThe International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NxBsoCcQEsOnCdklX7GBlSjAqkZfTLvb/view
9Night Vision Patrolling Robot Using Raspberry PiMr KK SwamyJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wpWl9VVbVPC-zFQKXpgoFkuZP85yQ62t/view
10Construction Site Accidental AnalysisMrs. T JagadeeswariThe International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367https://drive.google.com/file/d/197k3yDxIZgVyj2WC2hsZjduGz78nWYnz/view
11Rainfall Prediction using Machine LearningMrs. K Ramya LaxmiComplexity Internationl JournalUGC20211320-0682http://cij.org.in/pdf250221/CIJ-25-02-00029.pdf
12Satellite Imagery AnalysisMrs.B Maha LakshmiJournal of Resource Management and TechnologyUGC20210745-6999https://jrmat.com/upload/-V12I253.pdf
13Credit Card Fraudulent Detection Using Logistic RegressionDr.N.Swapna SuhasiniThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
14Cyber Threat Detection Based on Artificial Neural Networks Using Event ProfilesMrs. SRILATHA PULIThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis UGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
15Secure Cloud Storage with Data Dynamics Using Secure Network Coding Techniques Dr.M.JayaramJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945http://www.jicrjournal.com/VOLUME-13-ISSUE-6-JUNE-2021/
16Hand Gesture Recognition System for Dumb and Deaf By Using Image ProcessingMrs P LavanyaGIS Science JournalUGC20211869-9391http://www.gisscience.net/VOLUME-8-ISSUE-6-2021/
17Instant Augmented Reality Converter ToolMr. P.Nagaraj
The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
18An Efficient and Secure Deduplication Scheme for Cloud Assisted Health SystemsDr.Shaik Abdul NabiJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945http://www.jicrjournal.com/VOLUME-13-ISSUE-6-JUNE-2021/
19Airlines Price PredictionP.ArchanaThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
20Volume Control Using Hand Gesture RecognitionMrs. K. MadhuravaniJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945http://www.jicrjournal.com/VOLUME-13-ISSUE-6-JUNE-2021/
21Predicting Stock Market Trends Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsT.JagadeeswariJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945http://www.jicrjournal.com/VOLUME-13-ISSUE-6-JUNE-2021/
22Abnormal Activity Detection Using CNN K.Ramya LaxmiThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
23Smart Edge Healthcare Data Sharing SystemN.Santhosh RamchanderThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
24Sign Language Translator Using Python Y. SirishaJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1945
25Human Computer Interaction Based Eye Controlled Mouse V. BikshamThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
26Bitcoin Crypto Currency Prediction Using Machine LearningMrs. Joshi Padma Narasimhachari Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)UGC20212349-5162https://www.jetir.org/archive?v=8&i=6&j=June%202021
27Self-Diagnosing Health Care Chatbot Using Machine LearningP. NagarajJournal of Information and Computational ScienceUGC2021 1548-7741http://www.joics.org/VOL-11-ISSUE-6-2021/
28A System for Holistic Understanding of World’s Essential InformationK. MadhuravaniComplexity International Journal (CIJ) UGC20211320-0682 http://cij.org.in/
29Breast Cancer Prediction Using CNN V.BikshamComplexity International Journal (CIJ)UGC20211320-0683http://cij.org.in/
30Detection of Pepper, Tomato And Potato Leaves Condition Using Convolutional Neural NetworkP. ArchanaInternational Journal of Creative Research ThoughtsUGC20212320-2882https://www.ijcrt.org/archive.php?vol=9&issue=6&pubmonth=June-2021
31COVID-19 Epidemic Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning AlgorithmsM.Sudhakar International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
UGC20212582-3930 http://ijsrem.com/volume-05-issue-08-august-2021/
32A Study on Cyber Attacks & the Role of Efflorescing Technologies in Cyber Space Dr. S Venkata Achuta RaoThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisUGC20210886-9367http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-VI-JUNE-2021/
33Emotion Detection Using TextM. Lubna YasmeenInternational Journal of Innovative Science and Research TechnologyUGC20212456-2165https://ijisrt.com/volume-6-2021_issue-6-june
34Predicting Stock Market Trends Using
Machine Learning Algorithms
T.JagadeeswariJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC20210022-1946http://www.jicrjournal.com/VOLUME-13-ISSUE-6-JUNE-2021/
35A Dynamic Cluster Based Meta-Heuristic Work Scheduling and Resource Optimization Framework for Cloud Virtual MachinesAnanda R Kumar Mukkala
S. Sai Satyanarayana Reddy
M. Babu Reddy,
Solid State TechnologyUGC440440038-111Xhttps://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/11554

2019 -2020

Sl No.Title of paperName of the author/sName of JournalYear of PublicationIndexingISBN/ISSN numberLink of the Recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1Blockchain Technology: An OverviewDr. Shaik Abdul NabiInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST)2019-20Scopus34633459http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/14145
2A Hybrid approach of segmentation in Brain Tumor Data using Fuzzy C-means and Level SetDr. Shaik Abdul Nabi
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems - JARDCS2019-20Scopus1943-023X

3Elliptic Curve - Homomorphic ElGamal Based Mutual Authentication Scheme in Cloud ComputingV. BikshamInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology2019-20Scopus2207-6360http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26184
4Publikey an levelled attributes access policy oriented fully homomorphic encryption scheme V. BikshamInternational Journal of Information and Computer Security2019-20Scopus1752-5063https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=109482
5Color Object Detection Based Image Retrieval using ROI Segmentation with Multi-Feature MethodDr. Rohit RajaWireless Personal Communication Springer Journal2019-20SCI1572-834https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11277-019-07021-6
6Detection and Identification of Animals in Wild Life Sancturies using Convolutional Neural NetworkDr. Rohit RajaInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)2019-20Scopushttps://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i5/E4579018520.pdf
7ICT Utilization and Improving Student Performance in Higher EducationDr. Rohit RajaInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)2019-20Scopus5120-5124https://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i2/A1825058119.pdf
1An Effective Investigation on Distributed Computing
Model Security Dangers in Cloud Computing
Using Saas Model
K.NarsimhuluThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisVolume XII, Issue III, March/2020,Page No:2370UGC0886-9367https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341965836_An_Effective_Investigation_on_Distributed_Computing_Model_Security_Dangers_in_Cloud_Computing_Using_Saas_Model
2Analyze Past Entrepreneur Investment Portfolio Using Partial ObservedMarkov Decision ModelK.NarsimhuluAlochana Chakra JournalVolume IX, Issue V, May/2020,ISSN NO:2231-3990
Page No:4744.
3Deep Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Age And Gender Classification With Facial ImagesK.NarsimhuluAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020 Page No:144UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
4Image Forgery DetectionP.LAVANYAJUNI KHYATV10,ISSUE 5,NO 14 MAY/2020UGC2278-4632http://www.junikhyat.com/no_14_may_20/2.pdf
5Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease on Small Dataset: A Knowledge Transfer Perspective AIPADMA JOSHI JUNI KHYATVol-10 Issue-5 No. 6 May 2020,Page | 151UGC2278-4632http://www.junikhyat.com/no_6_may_20/17.pdf
6Galaxies Classification Using deep Learning Algorithmin Convolution Neural NetworksP.ARCHANAJUNI KHYATVOL-10,ISSUE-5-MAY-20UGC2278-4632http://junikhyat.com/no_6_may_20/15.pdf
7 Deep Learning Mechanism For Transforming Low Quality Image To High Quality ImageMrG.Sravan kumarAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020 Page No: 94UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
8Quality of Prediction in fault Tolerance Management System on Virtual MachinesV.SwathiJournal of Engineering SciencesVol-11,Issue 4,April 2020UGC0377-9254https://jespublication.com/login.php?id=1117
9Multi-Traffic Scene Perception Based on Supervised LearningV.SwathiJuni KhyatV20,Issue-5,No 7,May2020UGC2278-4632http://www.junikhyat.com/no_7_may_20/11.pdf
10Assessing Garbage Information By Using Deep Learning AlgorithmsR. Prashanth KumarJuni KhyatV10. Issue-5,May 2020UGC2278-4632http://www.junikhyat.com/no_6_may_20/18.pdf
11A video based vehicle detection, counting and classification systemP.NagarajAlochana Chakra JournalVolume IX, Issue V, May/2020,ISSN NO:2231-3990
Page No:4735-4743
12Human Activity RecognitionP.NagarajJuni KhyatV20,Issue-5,No 7,May2020UGC2278-4632http://www.junikhyat.com/no_6_may_20/19.pdf?i=1
13Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Based Fusion Of Medical ImageDr. Rohit RajaInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering2019-20UGC2348-2281https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Kzs8uNYAAAAJ&hl=en
14Effective use of cyber space and cyber
technology to prevent violence and
trafficking against women and children
Mr K.Rohith kumarAlochana Chakra Journal2019-20UGC231-3990https://app.box.com/s/7elcoznarsxchvjl84sigju6ib4s12bp
15Smart Village: Solar Based Smart Agriculture with IOT Enabled for Climatic ChangeK.NarsimhuluAdvanced Science LettersVol-10 Issue-5 No. 6 May 2020UGC2278-4632http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
16Iot Based Smart Door Lock Surveillance System Using Security SensorsP.SrilathaAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
17Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning MethodsR.SatheeshAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 05, May/ 2020UGC1936-6612http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
18Pay-per-WatchPADMA JOSHI Advanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020 Page No84UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
19Data Ingestion And Processing Using HadoopPADMA JOSHI Advanced Science LettersV26 , MAY, 2020 Page No371UGC1936--6612http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
20Student Grade Prediction Using Data AnalyticsP.ARCHANATHINK INDIA JOURNALVol-22-Issue-41-December-2019
21Securing Data In Iot Using Cryptographyand Steagnography TechniuesP.ARCHANAAdvanced Science LettersVOL-26,NUM-5-MAY-2020UGC1936-7313http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
22Advance Vehicle Detection And Auto Penalty Collection At Traffic SignalsP.ARCHANAAdvanced Science LettersVOL-26,NUM-4-APRIL-2020UGC1936-7313http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
23Security Doors Unlocki Ng SystemM SUDHAKARAdvanced Science LettersV26,Num 05,May-2020UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
24Real-Time Criminal Identification System based on Face RecognitionR. Prashanth KumarAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
25Rainfall Rate Prediction Using an Artificial Neural NetworksPurushothamMunigantiAdvanced Science Letters2019-20UGC2278-4632http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
26An Empirical study on Security Issues and Mitigation Techniques in Opportunistic NetworksV.SwathiThink IndiaVol-22-Issue-41-December -2019UGC0971-1260http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
27Sensor Based Obstacle Detection Assistant for Visually ChallengedV.SwathiAdvanced Science LettersV26,Num-04,April/2020UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
28Smart Helmet For Rider’s SafetyR. Prashanth KumarAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
29Assault Mitigation System Using Machine LearningP.NagarajAdvanced Science LettersV26 , Num 04, April/ 2020UGC1936-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
30Crop Yield Prediction By Using Machinelearning TechniquePurushothamMunigantiAdvanced Science Letters2019-20UGC1926-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm
31Air Quality Monitoring system within area using IOTSanthosh RamachenderAdvanced Science Letters2019-20UGC1926-7317http://www.aspbs.com/science.htm

2018 -2019

Sl No.Title of paperName of the author/sName of JournalIndexingISBN/
Link of the Recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1Democratize Data Processing in Big Data By using Hive Interface and Cloud ComputingDr V. GouthamInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsScopus1311-8080https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700182690
2Cloud Based Building Confidential and Efficient Query ServicesDr V. Goutham ,
Dr. A Ramamurthy
International joural of Adv Research in Dynamical and Control SystemScopus2393-9028https://www.jardcs.org/backissues/abstract.php?archiveid=3990
3A Light Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for cloud SecurityBiksham Vankudoth, Vasumathi DevaraIntentional Journal of Information and Computer SecurityScopus1744-1765https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijics
4A Novel Free Space Communication system using non linear InGaAsMicrosystem Resonators for Enabling Power- Control towards smart CitiesSivakumar, Regonda Nagaraju, Debrabrata Samanta, M. Sivaram, MN Hindia, Iraj S AmiriWireless NetworkSCI1022-0038 , 1572-8196https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11276-019-02075-7
5An Improved Active Contour Method for Medical Segmentation using Singular Value Decomposition.Regonda Nagaraju, M. E. Purushothaman, Bhavani ButhukuriIndian Journal of Public Health Research and DevelopmentScopus0976-0245,0976-5506https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700188435
6ICT Utilization and Improving Students Performance in Higher Education with ICTSumati Pathak, Rohit Raja, Vaibhav Sharma, Srinivas AmbalaInternational Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringScopus2277-3878https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100889873
7Devise and Accomplishment of Hadoop Distributed File System by Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Amplify the Refuge: A StudyRagonda NagarajuInternational Journal of Scientific Research and ReviewScopus2279-543Xhttp://dynamicpublisher.org/gallery/111-ijsrr-d-1879.f.pdf
8Devise and Accomplishment of Hadoop Distributed File System by Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Amplify the Refuge: A StudyRagonda NagarajuInternational Journal of Scientific Research and ReviewScopus2279-543Xhttps://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/5283580_UGC-Cancelled-List.pdf
9An Improved Traffic Congestion Control and Vechile Monitoring SystemRegonda Nagaraju, M. Kavya Reddy, M. Harika, N. Sravani Reddy , P. DeepthiInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering Scopus2348-2281https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/5283580_UGC-Cancelled-List.pdf
10Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Based Fusion Of Medical Image,Laxmikant Tiwari, Rohit Raja, Vaibhav Sharma, Rohit Miri(2019)International Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer EngineeringUGC2086-2081https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/5283580_UGC-Cancelled-List.pdf
11A Framework Of ICT Implementation On Higher Educational Institution With Data Mining Approach,Sumati Pathak, Rohit Raja, VaibhavSharma, and K. Ramya Laxmi(2019),European Journal of Engineering Research and ScienceUGC2506-8016https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2506-8016
12The Impact of ICT in Higher Education.Sumati Pathak, Rohit Raja, Vaibhav Sharma,(2019)International Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer EngineeringUGC2393-9028, 2348-2281 ,2393-9028https://aulibrary.avinuty.ac.in/pdf/UGC_List_of_Journals.pdf
13Survey on Swine Flu PredictionP.Nagaraj Dr.A.V.K.Prasad International Journal of Management, Technology And EngineeringUGC 2249-7455.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337102439_SURVEY_ON_SWINE_FLU_PREDICTION
14A Survey on Automatically Mining Facets for Queries from their search ResultsK. Ramya Laxmi, N Ramya, S. PallaviInternational Journal of Management Technology and Engineering UGC2249-7455https://aulibrary.avinuty.ac.in/pdf/UGC_List_of_Journals.pdf