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IEEE SREYAS Institute of Engineering and Technology Student Branch
Year of Establishment – 2018
No of Socieites – 5
No of Affinity Groups – 1
Event/Program/Meetings Conducted in Total – 41


S.NoName of the Event/Program/MeetingDate Counselor In ChargeChair In ChargeSTB/SBC/AG CodeIEEE AttendeesGuest Attendees
1Student Branch Inauguration20th September,2018Prof.Ch.S.V.Maruthi RaoMallela Abhigna ReddySTB101643414
2Paper and Poster Presentation12th October, 2018Prof.Ch.S.V.Maruthi RaoMallela Abhigna ReddySTB1016411-
3Workshop on Internet of Things16 - 17th July,2019Prof.Ch.S.V.Maruthi RaoKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB101641998
4Workshop on Printed Circuit Board31st Sept- 1st October,2019Prof.Ch.S.V.Maruthi RaoKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB101649104
5World IEEE Day 20191st October,2019Prof.Ch.S.V.Maruthi RaoKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB101642010
6Workshop on Introduction to Data Science and IOT27th February,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB10164692
7Webinar on Cloud Computing Fundamentals27th April,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C2817
8Webinar on Digital Marketing29th April,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C3087
9Online Seminar on Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Applications29th April,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164B2049
10Webinar on How to build a powerful and impactful resume2nd May,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB101643216
11Webinar on The Complete Guide to Coding during the Lockdown6th May,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C2812
12Webinar on The Culture of Startups and their effective solutions9th May,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB101642614
13Webinar on Blockchain Technology Fundamentals12th May,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C3317
14Webinar on Green Buildings14th May,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySTB101645752
15Webinar on Big Data for Big Impact16th May,2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C4032
16Draft of the Decade - JAM Session14th July, 2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C86
17Draft of the Decade - Article Writing16th July, 2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C1525
18Draft of the Decade - Quiz Competition18th July, 2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C2731
19Webinar on Awareness on Cyber Crimes and Career Opportunities in Cyber Security20th July,2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC10164C53144
20Webinar on Introduction to NASA Space Apps Challenge - 202023rd July,2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC101645641
21Igniting Minds : Thematic Art Competition4th August,2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBA101641131
22Igniting Minds : Flicker Flash Competition6th August,2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBA101642416
23Igniting Minds : Picture Speaks Competition8th August,2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBA101641734
24Mavericks : Virtual Treasure Hunt4th September, 2020Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC101641013
25Mavericks : Coding and Decoding5th September,2020Dr.Kantipudi MVV PrasadKuchuru Mysura ReddySBC101641320
29Webinar on Personal Financial Planning for Engineering Graduates10th April, 2021Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadGattu Shrija ReddySTB101641644
30Webinar on Radiation Hardness Assurance of Space Electronics15th April, 2021Dr. Kantipudi MVV PrasadGattu Shrija ReddySTB101642030
31TechQuiz on Kahoot1st May 2021Prof.Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySBC10164A31150
32Webinar on Introduction to IEEE Xplore Digital Library3rd May 2021Prof.Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySTB101644080
33Workshop on Cisco Packet Tracer3rd May - 7th May, 2021Prof.Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySTB1016450270
35A Talk on What is IEEE17th May, 2021Prof. Ch. S. V.Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySTB101641530
37Spardha - Checkmate 22nd May ,2021Prof. Ch. S. V.Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySBC10164A2040
38Spardha - Idea Pitching22nd and 23rd May, 2021Prof. Ch. S. V.Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySBC10164A2030
39Spardha - TinkerCad 29th May , 2021Prof. Ch. S. V.Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySBC10164A4570
40Webinar on Cloud Computing and Opportunities18th June, 2021Prof. Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySTB10164, SBC10164C1517
41Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks26th-27th June,2021Prof. Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoGattu Shrija ReddySTB10164, SBC101644464

 Department Of Electronics and Communications Engineering

List of MOU’s

S.No Organization Objectives Outcomes
1 BSNL Industrial Visit

Student Projects

Internship Program

Able to develop Projects on Telecommunications & Networks
2 Coreel Technologies Student Projects


Able to design basic models in Embedded Systems
3 S.S. Labs Student Projects Able to develop Projects
4 Microchip Academy (USA) Faculty Development Program Faculty Training in VLSI and Embedded Systems
5 Physitech Student Projects Able to develop Projects
6 Path Creaters Student Projects Able to develop Projects
7 Campus Image Campus Recruitment Training Training the Students for Campus Recruitment.
8 Trident Technologies Student Training

Faculty Development Program

Training the Faculty and Students on advanced VLSI concepts using Mentor Graphics Tool.